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This might have actually worked better if Grace was exactly the same each panel except for the hat, but I was already going to have to do a whole lot of layering nonsense just for the hat and how it changed her hair, and I wanted to draw multiple outfits, so... Multiple outfits.

Also, Ashley's not having trouble imagining different outfits, she's having trouble imagine someone other than Grace, SO THERE IT ALL ADDS UP MEETING ADJOURNED




There’s no small amount of irony that the shapeshifter is the one she’s having trouble picturing differently.

Stephen Gilberg

Now I want to see an EGS mad tea party.

Dan Merget

Just serve them tea. Their lives are so strange that the madness takes care of itself. "This is the wizard's home, Where the hedgehog kitty does roam. Where an alien girl Turns into a squirrel, And dreams of defending Rome." - A perfectly normal description of the Verres household

Some Ed

Question: in the wild, how do you tell the difference between a shapeshifter and basically anyone who is on sufficiently good terms with Tedd to have access to Tedd's tech, or someone with similar tech?

Dan Merget

A seer could tell, a wizard or griffon or Luke could probably tell, and I'm sure there are assorted spells for telling the difference. Other than that, though, you probably just need to watch carefully to see if they press a button on their belt or something every time they transform. Edit: on second thought, a wizard probably couldn't tell without a spell or artifact, since that's what made Smoke panic.


Fun trivia: The 10/6 on the Hatter's hat is a price tag, meaning "ten shillings and sixpence" (in Old British money). Basically, he is advertising his own wares by wearing the tag.


Grace in a hat is truly the greatest OC

A Red Mage Named Blue

Ashley trying to create an oc who isn't easily embarrassed so that she doesn't have to imagine Grace? Yeah, just wait until Ashley finds out that Grace would be completely unbothered about Ashley just imagining Grace in those situations

Matt R

This almost looks like a dress up flash game in these 3 panels

Jenora Feuer

Hah. Last panel only slightly inaccurate; the Mad Hatter's price tag in the original was 10/6, meaning ten shillings and six pence. Not that Ashley's necessarily going to know that either, of course...

Merle Blue

Okay, is it just going to wind up that every character in EGS dates at least one other person and also Grace? Just one gigantic unwieldy polycule with a Sciuridae as the linchpin connecting it all? Because it seems unlikely, but I'm not complaining if that's where it's going.


Fitting that, of all of them, Grace is the one who would be most fine with not being changed

David Howe

not a grace-a-monster then?


Grace in a mad Hatter's Hat :)