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Original Characters Do Not Steal

- At egscomics 

EDIT: Fixed the borders


I think we can all see what's happening here.

And what's happening is that Ashley is doing a darn good job making up completely original characters who do not resemble anyone in her life.

Good job, Ashley!




So, in the beginning, I didn't know what to think of Ashley, and some things felt a little forced. But dang it, her self-conscious fantasies hit me in all the feels

David Fenger

Putting yourself in your stories is entirely fair game.


Heh heh, at some point Elliot is going to show up IRL and say something, his voice is gonna come out of science Elliot's mouth and COMPLETELY ruin whatever silly scene she's imagining.


Ah good shifting from poly ship 1 to poly ship 2, thanks Ashley you are a gift

Matt R

It'll be interesting to see what said OC's transformations will be

Stephen Gilberg

You know, without punctuation, that looks like a declaration that OCs never steal.


Ashley is going to get a spell that makes whatever she imagines come true, or become real isn't she... I hope so anyway.