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I tweeted the following earlier. "Next week" is in parenthesis because, in my hurry, the original didn't include that >_<

-- First tweet 

Next EGSNP will be Tuesday. I was also planning a sketchbook that will instead be sometime (next week)

Something personal has come up that is devouring my day.

-- Follow up tweets 

Things are okay. My back is bothering me, I’m running on about four hours of sleep, and I unexpectedly needed to take a cat to the vet, which did NOT help with the back thing, because THIS cat weighs 27 lbs, and their cat carrier is a dog carrier (much like their “cat” beds).

Cat was given all of the antibiotics, and will undoubtedly never trust again.

Okayu gif because my phone suggested “Okayu” when I wrote “okay” before (I assure you there is an Okayu gif on the actual tweet)

I’m going to go collapse somewhere my back will appreciate now.



Take your time, rest up, reset, take care of your cat.


Take care of yourself! And your cat.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Well, yeah, cats do prefer dog sized carriers. Thanks for taking care of yourself and your cat. Good luck!


Do you want back advice? I have wayyy too much experience fixing my own fucky joints.


When your back is better, find 27 lbs of weights and slowly add them to the [s]dog[/s] cat carrier, practicing at each step until you're comfortable with the weight (lifting a few times each day, then more lifts, then add weight and go back to fewer lifts, etc. Take your time.) That way, next time Nekojira needs to go to the vet, you'll be better prepared, physically. ^_^

Some Ed

I've had back issues multiple times. But I've also known some body builders who have also. Being way above the minimum physical ability to do what you're trying to do isn't nearly as much of an assist for doing it with a bad back as you might expect. Part of my strength exercises includes lifting 5 gallon jugs of water (that's 40 pounds for anyone who doesn't know that off-hand), and yet when I had back issues and had to lift a cat carrier with a 15 pound cat, OMG. I'm not sure if Dan's cat is as inclined to move in their carrier when it's on the move, but my cat tends to be a furry spazball in the carrier, at least when it's in motion, and that puts the whole issue in sharp relief. I've heard small dogs tend to be like that, too, so it may be more of a size thing than a species thing.

Some Ed

They especially do when they're that large. 27 pounds may not be that big for a dog, but it's huge for a house cat and there's only a few cat breeds that can get that big without being very overweight.