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The good news is that Tedd figured out how to make watches that shrink people to 1/10 their normal size!

The bad news is that they're too small to use the watches now, so they'll have to wait out the transformation duration.




He figured it out in universe or just for this pic???


"Wait... Grace, why are you naked?" "Why shouldn't I be naked?" Love this one. The picture tells a tale, and Sarah's lack of embarrassment at being naked around Tedd and Grace tells another one! It's happened WAY too often by now, I'm guessing.


Sarah seems remarkably comfortable with her nudity now.


I love this! Love it! Can we get a taller shot, to see Grace's face?! I need to know what she thinks about this :-D ^_^


Even just lines of her face


But does the watch have to be worn to work? And if so, does it have to be snug? Can it be looped around to become a belt or bandolier? Could it be just hugged? And why not make the watch so it shrinks along with the subject?


I'm sure in every typical use, the watch adjusts with them; or it doesn't need to, given that they can't actually shrink more than, what, 20%? ..but this is a fantasy pic and it's fun to imagine these kinds of complications.