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Darn it, sequences, why do you take so long to make?! It's almost like you're roughly equivalent to five single character pinups with minimal backgrounds or something.

I wasn't sure what Mall Elliot should be wearing, so I just went with almost nothing. I feel it's a fair compromise.



Stephen Gilberg

Ah, I was going to look for another picture of Mild Elliot to compare to College Pandora.


I love the pose for the final piece of the sequence. You really knocked it out of park for July's content!


Man, I just LOVE how energetic Mall Date Elliot is




I really hope we see more of mall date Elliot in the future. Alongside the obvious assets her design is just fun overall

Connie Edogawa

it seems we've once again gotten a sequence where the middle stage would make a neat character design for a new character. I love when that happens, even though they never go anywhere.


Hey, wait a second... I'm onto you, Dan! That first stage is the same as the last time there was a Mild Mannered Elliot sequence, just in a different outfit! ...what is it with Mild Elliot turning into more scantily clad girls, anyway?


Given Mild Elliot's mode of dress, it's tough for her to turn into LESS scantily clad girls . . .