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Floating hearts and stuff

- At egscomics 


While writing the previous comic, I very, VERY briefly considered having Grace deliberately hug Ellen to capitalize on the rumors about them, and to imply to Conan that she and Ellen were a couple.

I would like to emphasize how very brief this consideration was, because that would be alarmingly out of character for Grace.

Out of character ideas will sometimes give way to very much in character ones, however, and Grace just happily hugging Ellen without even thinking about it is very much in character.




Yeah, this makes a lot more sense.

Kevin Wright

I think he got the idea.


This is wonderfully ambiguous... 1. The blush is because Grace being so warm and affectionate makes him crush on her even more. 2. He actually has a crush on Ellen, and her coming up to them triggered it. 3. Seeing two attractive girls hugging does it for him, so to speak. With the caveat that option 3 isn't really exclusive to options 1 and 2 (which, to be 100% fair, aren't mutually exclusive to themselves) and that him enjoying the view doesn't mean he wants to jump in the middle of it. Or maybe he does, but it could also be a more Susan like enjoyment than a desire to get directly involved.


To quote one of my own characters "It's what we do that isn't like us that helps us figure out who we are."