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- At egscomics 

Edit - Minor shadow correction


Okay, before I actually comment on anything, this is the comic for 02-22-2022, and I just think that's neat.

If you want to write that 2022-02-22, that is also neat. The point is there's a lot of 2.

Also, I like overly-optimistic smiling Grace with her hands on her hips, and am certain she will return many times in the future.


I had trouble writing this comic, and that was in large part because I was trying to write more than it needed to be. Beyond establishing the Theory of Nanase Relativity, the point of them walking together was a friendly interaction that Grace was happy with, and Camelia clearly having developed some fondness for Grace.

Like, that's it.

Would you believe I sometimes overthink things?

As for Grace being there for a while, I imagined the nurse having several questions and tests to make sure Grace was okay. Looking it up, there's a lot to check for, tests that can be done, and it just generally sounded like a good idea to keep an eye on her for a bit.

That being my understanding, and working under the assumption that this nurse was good at their job, Grace being there for a while seemed right.

Granted, my understanding could well be completely incorrect. I am not a nurse, a doctor, or even a quack. So maybe I just characterized them as overly protective, or not diligent enough? I dunno. I'm sure people will let me know in any case.




In some countries (including the one where I live), the date today is rather written "22/02/2022" which makes it perfectly symmetrical as well as very two-ish-y


Pretty sure any nurse worth their salt is going to keep her for the rest of the day if she finds out she got her head rattled that gets, especially if she finds out that she got knocked out. At least up to the point where someone else comes and gets her. Concussion testing and head injuries are no joke. Just ask Bob Saget 🤕


Damn I wanted to write that as well. XD I.e. you can write the date backwards (or put it into a calculator and flip it over) and it's still the same. Greetings from Germany!


I.e. "all countries with a lick of goshdarn common sense". =)


Well, I once had a migraine attack (my first one and second most severe) at senior high school. The nurse sat me down on a chair and called my mom. When she arrived, the nurse discovered that I had fallen asleep / lost consciousness on the desk (probably the second leading to the first). So... any nurse worth their salt, true, but I'm afraid all are not... :-)


I bet it varies nurse to nurse, but from my own experience I know for a fact it is very common for a school nurse to handle Grace the way she was handled here.