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Because I finally got the darn pinups blog up to date

EDIT: I didn't mean to actually ask a question or imply this was either / or. I'm just saying the Tumblr is up to date for those who want it ^^;


Stephen Gilberg

On one hand, the pictures load faster for me on Tumblr. OTOH, I don't readily see any comments on Tumblr.


This. Tumblr is absolutely terrible for commenting. Plus, it's nice to have a private comment area for patrons.


This. Mainly because I don't use Tumblr… And I agree with Sam on the patron comments.

Stephen Gilberg

There's also something to be said for preview thumbnails. Sometimes I like having a little warning of the kind of raciness therein.


Seconded! Though not for the raciness, so much as the general content. I'd much prefer not to go about the rigamarole of downloading, viewing, and then (if I don't like it) deleting a pinup, when I could just view the thumbnail and make that judgement instantly.


Personally I prefer tumblr because it's much easier to view images. But I'm good with either.


I like Patreon since I get emails for updates

Cley Faye

Why not both? I see them once with patreon notification, then again "some time later" with the Tumblr RSS feed. Win-win ;)


I don't have Tumblr so please keep doing patreon


Yup. Thanks for doing that.