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Make and like suggestions for a TWO character pinup! "Like" a suggestion to show there's interest.

Different but similar suggestions are best as separate comments ( new comment instead of reply). Rude replies will be deleted at my discretion.

You might have to click Load More Comments to see every suggestion in the survey if enough are made.

Want to remain anonymous? Message me! I will post your suggestion for you. Contact button is above goals on my Patreon page.


Frédéric B.

I find it disappointing that so many suggestions are "more FV5! more tea! moar boobs!" when I'm more interested in creative and/or absurd situations. My suggestion is Tedd's vision of the perfect school on Friday, (likely with creative purse placement and a Twister mat being unrolled...)


Yeah. I wish that there was a post that we could use just to archive various situations/transformations/outfits that people think are fun, that way people would have somewhere to go for ideas that aren't the expected ones.


Diane and Susan dressed as Anna and Elsa.