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Rumors spread at the speed of sound, got... Wait, they technically would be at the speed of sound, wouldn't they? Huh.

- At egscomics 


I waffled a bit on how to go about things in this storyline, particularly at this moment. This is in large part because I am fully aware that this is all happening a little quickly. For Grace's behavior to really get noticed and become news, it really should take a few days, at least.

That would work very easily if this were text only, but conveying that passage of time gets awkward in comic form. As a comic, it works better to say "nuts to time and space, let's get on with this".

I'm not claiming to be a master at this sort of thing (far from it), but the medium in which a story is being told will impact some of the logic of that story. What works in a book might not work in a TV series, what works in a TV series might not work in a movie, and what works in a movie might not work in, um... A limerick?

Too long, didn't read, yes, rumors spread all sorts of fast at Moperville high schools.

There are more reasons for rampant waffles, but I'll elaborate on all those waffles when they're more relevant, and I REALLY hope I have some waffles left, because I suddenly very much want waffles for breakfast.



Stephen Gilberg

As I recall, they used to think that Ellen wanted Grace and Grace was too naive to realize as much. Apparently, their perceptions have evolved, albeit no closer to the truth.

Paul Rendell

I feel that Ellen's mouth should be more of a cat-like smirk/grin.


(On the Speed of Rumors) Or at the speed of light (albeit over a long twisty path) over the interwebs, and at whatever the speed of communication in general is in your favorite interstellar civilization (Subspace communication in <i>Star Trek</i>, X-Boat relay in <i>Traveller</i>, etc.)

Paul Rendell

I think it could do with a bit more curve in the middle. But that's just my personal opinion.

Brooks Moses

I think what you're talking about with the timeline is rather like the "selective compression" that is fairly common in making model railroad scenes (and similar sorts of things), where things get compressed in order to convey the feeling of the actual scene in a smaller space than would be required for a completely accurate model. In both cases, the goal is to produce the feel of what one is portraying in a way that fits into available space, and a not-completely-literal rendition can often be more effective at doing that than a completely literal one would be.


Grace: Friendship Hug! Ellen: Ok, sure, but it anuses me greatly that everyone assumes otherwise.


I think it's pretty much accepted in fiction that rumors and news travel as fast as the plot needs them to. Also, that last panel is really cute. :)

Matt R

Nothing wrong with hugs between friends


rumor is the only observed effect known to exceed the speed of light.


I think it's great that Grace is talking like HK-47! Just so long as she doesn't start referring to her fellow students as meatbags and wistfully fantasizing about crushing their necks; everything will be fine.

Conrad Wong

It doesn't help that Ellen is wearing a cat smile! :3


I can tell by Ellen's expression that she's definitely thinking about friendship. And baseball.


Yes, the real universe contains mind-boggling amounts of what, narratively speaking,is little more than empty space and time that must be crossed in order to reach the more interesting parts. Even the nearest worlds are no more than a speck to our vision, and the nearest outside of our solar system can not be seen at all without our newest and most powerful telescopes. If the history of the universe were one year long, then humanity has existed for mere minutes, and recorded history has lasted for less than one minute. Unless most of this filler can be skipped over, the narrative will get completely lost among it.

Servo Kamen

Ellen likes friendship hugs! XD