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Why were you in space?

At egscomics 


This comic basically just goes with what felt like the natural flow of their conversation with approximately zero advance planning beyond knowing the first thing Grace would say.

Like, Ellen's question in the last panel wasn't something I had in mind when I wrote panel two. It just seemed the thing for Ellen to ask when I got there.



Daryl Sawyer

lol, it would be so funny if this just became part of Grace's character.


Wishful thinking: Hopefully, you don't start getting all your reader comments in that format.

Ed Abrams (aka The Superdak)

It reminds me of how Misaka Motoko's "sisters" speak in the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe. I like it. I mean, it's a bit different, he said, reflectively.

Stephen Gilberg

That's how I like it, Dan: not all preplanned but taken one logical step at a time.


Pleased observation: Grace channeling the Elcor from Mass Effect.