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As you can see, however, I have cleverly hidden the identity of this character who will one day be relevant!

"'One day' as in a few months in-universe, huh? You haven't designed them at all yet, have you?"

I might have!




It's technically true!



Dan Merget

Oh no! The Phantom Blot has taken an interest in our heroes!


"A few months in-universe"? At 73, i'm pretty sure i'll never see it becoming relevant...

Some Ed

Hey, sometimes this comic really moves. If I'm recalling correctly, we've already passed the six month in universe mark. The comic started in January of possibly 2013, and has contained a December 23 that's canonically after most of the events in the comic so far, so that's about 12 months. Except now it's possibly the following February, which would make it more than a year. Probably. We have not yet seen firm evidence of the EGS calendar working very differently from ours, apart from the speed at which it moves and the tendency to go back and forth. But that doesn't mean that it really is the same.

Cat Tillinghast

Tedd's mom now has a television show?! :D

Prof Sai

I've heard this "low budget" used as a complement (?) before. I really don't get it. Someone with zero money can still produce a good looking video by just taking time to do things right.