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This is one of the points I pretty much always want to make when I find the opportunity, and woo, an opportunity!

I've witnessed way too many arguments that went nowhere because they didn't do this, up to and including arguments in which they actually AGREED with each other, but they just kept going because everything was poorly defined and not clarified.




I'm fascinated by how Susan's scowl in the last panel is a reaction to Elliott talking about 5%, and that's fine because we don't look at her until we've read two of the three speech balloons in the panel.


Susan would be okay with that. She likewise would not care how surprisingly attractive I find her in the second panel.

Brooks Moses

Oh, interesting! I had read it as her "That might be too generous" (and the scowl, which I assumed to be associated with saying that phrase) as being a followup on the "That does assume that ..." paragraph (and saying that the assumption might be too generous), and then Elliott's "5%" comment coming after she'd said both things. But, indeed, it seems likely that the intent was for them to be alternating, and for her second comment to be a response saying Elliott's "5%" number is too generous. In any case, the scowl seems to be associated with the speech balloon that's closest to her, and that seems to work fine for me. Putting her second speech balloon below her face, as with the "later" bubbles in the other two panels, would have clarified the order a lot for me, but it would have made the timing of the scowl ambiguous. Apparently drawing comics is hard!


Honestly, this np arc is super boring. Having characters chating about how they define "fan" and how other people argue about it, well, it's sounding like some kind of PSA. Take me back to fantasy stories with board games crazy video game dreamscapes and transformations! I want a super curvy ten foot tall bunny superhero Rhoda and her 3 foot tall muscular cat-girl sidekick/girlfriend Catalina. I want All-Grace, and want Ashley and Elliot going to a costume party with Eliot as a buff male dressed as Jessica Rabbit and Ashley as very curvy female Roger Rabbit. (Sorry for the rant)


Author commentary is basically a repeat.


Defining terms is a very valuable starting place for any conversation where actual discussion is desired.


I'll stop talking about people doing that when people stop doing that ;P

John Howland

Whats with all the critism of this arc? Its excellent to get more time with the youtube show and its a fun topic worth discussing


Different people will have different wants :) Besides, it's more fair than normal right at this moment. The last comic didn't have a punchline, and this one kinda sorta had a joke at the end? Don't get me wrong: I like it. I can just understand someone not liking it.