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It's generally advised you only drink a little of the magic tea, Carol.




Dayum Carol, you might have drank a lil too much.


It also looks like she hasn't even finished that cup yet


That's why she still has some of that blue top left.


Who's the astonished brunette? She's super cute!

David Fenger

Amusingly, at least the way I've saved these, this one comes right after the 'Tea News' two-person pinup from last month...


That's the tea dealer from last month's two character pinup. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/april-double-tea-5374073">https://www.patreon.com/posts/april-double-tea-5374073</a>


Anyone have any pinup ideas for the tea dealer? I want to suggest her for the single-char next month, but I can't think of anything we haven't seen before.


It doesn't need to be complicated. How about just "Full body shot of the tea dealer is cute casual clothes"?


GREAT GOOGA MOOGA, 8O I mean... wow. WOW. And for bonus points, Carol seems just curious enough that this could be psuedocanon.

Scott McCarthy

shouldn't she have at least a string thong left, and not be bare down there?

Scott McCarthy

I kind of want to suggest a sequence from basic to quadruple tea (with 1, 2 and 3 levels of tea as the intermediary stages) for someone.


Honestly I'd just be fine with more pictures of the tea dealer. It doesn't have to be a pinup, necessarily. She's adorable and I like her outfit.


Excellent choice.

Reina Celeste

I really need to get some of this tea. Also, this pic = very yes.

Merle Blue

This looks absolutely lovely, but for a second I thought her right breast was missing - is it just entirely hidden by her body?

John Trauger

Normally, the nudity quotient would be too much for my personal taste. But in this case, "bwuh" factor has overwhelmed my judgement. Carol's very fair-skinned and no longer very covered. She should put on some sunscreen before going outside...

John Trauger

Completely OK with more of the tea-dealer, especially if she consumes her own product and it continues to fit.