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I'm not going to decide on what the poll options will be until late Monday the 30th, so there's still time to suggest things.






I'm confused about the two-character poll <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2016-two-5559781">https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2016-two-5559781</a> . The nomination thread <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-two-pinup-5382967">https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-two-pinup-5382967</a> was pretty clear: people wanted to see what would have happened if Ashley and pink!Elliott had carried on kissing in the dressing room. But that option wasn't in the poll options at all. Instead, there was a rather random "female Tedd and female Elliott kissing" option which doesn't appear to match anything in the nomination thread. If you didn't want to show showing something that might happen in the comic eventually, that's fair enough; but surely the answer was to say "yeah, guys, that's not going to happen" in the nomination thread?


The surveys are there to give me a general idea of what people want. I then decide what I would be comfortable drawing, which may be variations on suggestions or something I've come up with myself. Some popular choices are things I ultimately decide I don't want to draw. When it came time to make the polls for this month, I thought about what a pinup of that would wind up being, and decided it wasn't something I was comfortable with.