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I need to be done with the script for the next Q&A by the end of Wednesday if I'm going to stick to my planned production schedule. My intent is to answer 11-14 questions (short of answering more than one in a page), and I've already chosen several from

this post

to answer.

Long story short, if you have a Q&A appropriate question, you have a couple of days left to ask it :D



I might have asked this already but... Does Greg have a spellbook?


Could Ellen use her copy spell to turn into a griffin?


Considering she already used it to turn into brownie, I don't see why not.


She's never been to the other half of the world that griffins are from, though. That might be important. Also, griffins are sentient, which might also be important.

Borg Lord

Does the become-a-cell-phone thing work for everything in Elliot's pockets? Could he, for example, take his house key, transform to Cheerleadra, and unlock the door by touching the lock?

Jon Krupp

Just how fast can Cheerleadara fly?

Matt R

Can't remember if this was answered or not, but do FV5/MV5 or any of the V transformations cancel out when tea is involved, or can they be used in conjunction with each other?

John Trauger

Jerry mentioned that Ellen attempting to clone Not Tengue's form would have been bad, so there are some circumstances where Ellen's copy spell is ill-advised... One wonders if Ellen has her own version of Nanase's Angel spell now...


Does Dan realize how awesome they are? This is a serious question.


John Trauger: I got the impression that it would have been a bad idea to attempt to copy Not_Tengu's form because of the fact that she'd have to get close to him to use the copy spell, which would put her in danger getting hurt by him. I would imagine if Nanase kept him distracted while Ellen snuck up behing him and used the copy spell, she'd be able to do it. Ellen might have had an advantage with martial arts to be able to fight in hand to hand but she could likely have had trouble when he buffed himself with extra energy. The fight probably would have taken longer as well if it happened this way so yeah, copying Nanase was likely still the best choice.


It's kind of difficult to keep track of what has and hasn't been answered already at some point, especially regarding magic since you laid the ground rules for it at the very beginning and have only built on them since. To be honest, a general recap of magic would be my first pick.


That's a good question. The legend that Justin told leads us to believe that Greg learned how to access the power of his "ki", but what if he actually just awakened naturally doing that. Where would he get a spellbook? He probably doesn't even know he needs one.


Ooh I just thought of one regarding Grace's forms, we know she can mix and match features for her human/humanoid forms, but can she morph into other critter forms aside from her original squirrel form? can she be Jeremy's or Brownie's twin for instance?


How can the Dunkels be so absolutely calm around things like the spontaneous magical creation of a new daughter? What are Grace's brothers up to? Which members of the main cast don't have a driver's license?

William Green

What would happen if if Cheerleadra's cell phone rang, and it was set to play music or a song instead of just vibrate? (especially if someone pranked her by setting her ring tone to something strange - like a cow mooing, or Shania Twain singing "I Feel Like A Woman")




Are we supposed to know why Voltaire refers to Elliot as "the pawn of Chaos"? (I was going to phrase it "Why does..." but I'm assuming the answer is "Shh, you'll find out eventually!" so I just want confirmation that that's the case.)


Yes, Elliot is a guy. He would try to find out (soonest).

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 03:03:50 Outside of continuity, what is the state of the Vol 1&2 reprints? I know the site has said they've been planned for years now, but I'm curious if there's been any progress, or any ground work on other collections.
2016-05-16 03:34:31 Outside of continuity, what is the state of the Vol 1&2 reprints? I know the site has said they've been planned for years now, but I'm curious if there's been any progress, or any ground work on other collections.

Outside of continuity, what is the state of the Vol 1&2 reprints? I know the site has said they've been planned for years now, but I'm curious if there's been any progress, or any ground work on other collections.


Does the TF gun (and other styles of magic) surpress dysphoria that a target may feel? quite frankly the idea of it not doing that is sort of terrifying. Transformation convinience may be law, but I (and a friend) would enjoy an official statement.


Also, if it does, could MV1 be used on a trans girl to alleviate dysphoria without changing how someone looks?


I thought it was because of the marks, but Elliot doesn't actually have one.


I assumed it is because of Pandora Chaos Raven. Elliot, and most of the rest of the cast presumably, are unwitting pawns in her apocalyptic scheme.


The FAQ says Kaoli's name is derived from the Japanese for "fragrance" (fitting for a skunk). But I see it and think of kaolin, a type of clay, which brings to mind golems and the fact that Kaoli is an artificial being. Was that a deliberate play on words or just strange coincidence?


I think that first ties in with Elliot's thoughts on Ellen (she's family, help her) but that's more the Dunkels raising Elliot right. They would have had years to get used to Tedd's shenanigans, but even so they're ridiculously nonchalant. My first thought would be that Ellen and Grace might have difficulty getting a license due to lack of documentation, but that's probably been faked convincingly enough.


I got the impression that trying to copy Not-Tengu would have been a bad idea because it was likely to FAIL due to magic resistance, leaving her vulnerable and close to a dangerous enemy. Nanase's angel form would have had high resistance too, but she would have no reason to resist that spell since she knows it isn't harmful and Ellen is an ally.


I don't think dysphoria is an instant thing, so it might just not be an issue for short-term morphs. The long-term transformations we've seen so far include Tedd (who is genderfluid and owns the TF gun so he can turn back), Grace (a natural shapeshifter), Elliot (who was freaked way out over the thought of being trapped as a female for a month but that may have been magically exaggerated), Ellen (who was "born that way" in a sense but still troubled by it until the second life dreams), Vlad (who was already having major identity issues due to being the wrong SPECIES and considers the human female form an upgrade), and Sarah (traumatized by a day stuck as a catgirl, but being unable to speak is another complication there).


I would assume it'd be like a painkiller; the relief is as temporary as the duration of the transformation. Now, if Tedd could figure out how to change a person's "Base Form", as they can already do themselves, that could be a permanent solution... however the very idea of being about to change your form may create a new form of dysphoria where you always want to change around your form, much like Grace does now. Consider Grace while we are talking about her; image if her shape-shifting abilities were... lost. She would likely become VERY dysphoric.


I don't know if Grace losing her shapeshifting abilities would map to dysphoria or something more like phantom limb syndrome


What would have been the commentary for this sketchbook? <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook.php?id=843" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook.php?id=843</a> I think we're all curious about that one.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 03:03:50 It's a bit late but... Although TF gun &amp; watches have a size limitation, do they have a density limitation? Asking because Cow Tedd/Tess.
2016-05-27 14:04:55 It's a bit late but... Although TF gun & watches have a size limitation, do they have a density limitation? Asking because Cow Tedd/Tess.

It's a bit late but... Although TF gun & watches have a size limitation, do they have a density limitation? Asking because Cow Tedd/Tess.