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My own eyes sort of glaze over trying to read that last panel, so my apologies if that's annoying. I kept it that way anyway, because it's supposed to be an overwhelming onslaught of ideas, but still.

But yeah, camera modes are good, and for all I know, what Sarah suggests in panel two is already a thing, because it's becoming more and more common of a thing.

I imagine a lot of what Sarah's suggesting in the last panel would be impractical nonsense, but these are things they would like, not necessarily things that would, y'know, actually work.



Opus the Poet

Some of those are things I actually don't want IRL, much less in a video game.


A 'no-hud' screenshot mode needs to become way more standard, preferably with a hotkey on-off trigger


Sarah would get a kick out of the post-mission photobooth that is in XCOM 2 (I think the War of the Chosen expansion added it)

Stephen Gilberg

Funny how annoying can translate to cute.


I doubt there would be much engine work needed for a camera mode. A lot of the elements for a camera mode have been available for a long time and probably fairly useful for designers (panning the camera around a level not bound to a character, placing light sources, etc). Most of the work would just be making the 'camera mode' accessible to players (setting up a HUD, mapping keys, etc).


This would require creating scenes that look right when viewed from *more than one angle* which some games avoid by tightly controlling the camera.


It doesn't take much in Unity, Unreal or CryEngine - it is almost built-in, and for the first two, there are plenty of purchasable stock implementations that vary vastly in quality.

Crissa Kentavr

Lighting and rendered faces of objects need to be different when you move cameras around.

Opus the Poet

Also if someone is hiding behind something that the player shouldn't see that character then the camera angles that show that person hiding are restricted.