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Writer's Block opinions?!

At egscomics 


It's entirely possibly the block isn't actually saying any of that, but nobody can prove that, so there.

I was going to just write some of those things in a commentary, but then I felt like I'd tossed a bowling ball down a really steep snowy mountain and was opting never to check on where it wound up.

Also, I think Writer's Block's faces are hilarious.

I really wanted to show some of the places people were coming from with their opinions on romantic options in games, and how fair and valid they all are. I didn't think I could really get these across with Diane and Tedd, hence the block stepping in.

At least, I think they're fair and valid? They seem pretty fair and valid.

In any case, I don't think it's as simple as one right answer.




Ah Writer’s Block we meet again


I remember what shenanigans you and the “Demonic Duck of some sort” used to get up to


I feel like there's a lot going on when it comes to romance options in video games, so there's sadly no way to make everyone happy. But good on you for addressing all this stuff. :)

Stephen Gilberg

I don't think we've heard from the DD since, what, 2005? I guess Dan feels he's played out.


So some games have different benefits depending on who you romance too. For example, only getting to finish one character's story arc because it's locked behind a romance... or the character gives you a specific buff/boost by romancing them. This is always frustrating for me because I end up having to choose between min-maxing or just "going with my heart". It's sort of like, hypothetically, if the rich millionaire is in love with you, but you like the pizza delivery guy more...

Prof Sai

Making every romance option possible means making everyone in the game pansexual. That hardly sounds inclusive. What if an author wants to write a story about unrequited love? I suppose they could make a character who automatically _dislikes_ whatever gender you choose and can never be romanced by any PC. But I bet there would still be lots of complaining. Maybe I’m wrong. There are plenty of situations where realism is bad.


Like the WB monocle.


The alternative is to structure it so that while whoever the PC is romancing is tweaked towards them, the other NPCs pair off. That is - "aha, I see you are romancing Miranda, therefore Garus and Tali are boning in the cargo bay."

Jacob Barboza

Personal opinion, if you can romance anyone as anyone it means you are disregarding any preference that the npc characters might have. I think that makes them feel less real.

Jacob Barboza

That said, I do think there should be more than just a token gay/bi character. Heck, I would be fine if the majority where more open and it was one or two NPCs that had a limited romantic interest list.