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I am considering doing another Q&A segment as a means by which to work ahead on future story scripts, BUT I know from past experience that this plan will only work if 

a) There are enough good questions that I can actually answer

b) I have the Q&A scripts written entirely in advance

As such, if you have a question, I would be interested to read about it. When I ask for questions via the comic site, I tend to get an avalanche that's difficult to sort through so I'm trying out asking for questions here in one spot first, and to at least temporarily limit it to $3+ patrons.



David Hall

Can Grace heal herself via shapeshifting? For example, if she broke her arm, could she just shift into a form with an unbroken arm?


Is Grace any more predisposed to polyamory due to her uryom heritage?

Blissfull Wulf

Is there any relation between the Demonic Duck and the Angelic Avian(The tweeting bird.)?

Matt R

Do FV5 and the tea/other transformations that happened to Susan and Diane in the NP comics cancel each other out, or can they be used in conjunction with each other?


Just how much more magic is there in Moperville than the rest of the world?


Does Greg have a spellbook?


We have seen Elliot "fuse" with a mobile phone and be fully able to use it afterwards. What are the limits of this power? E.g. if he morphed into Cheerleadera while holding the remote for a drone, would he be able to fully control the drone's movements and actions while otherwise acting normally? Could he use a mobile phone to record videos or take photos of his surroundings? Could he fuse with something larger? Like, a microwave oven so he could throw radiowaves at his ennemies? Could he fuse with the control panel of a nuclear plant so he could control the core temperature and stuff?

Adam Wurstmann

Did you see Wrestlemania? Shit was crazy, yo.

Connie Edogawa

if magic/tedd's tech could permanently make changes to someone (with permanent here meaning a range between "long enough that the affected person will probably die of old age before it wears off" to "actually completely changed, and now this is your base state"), of the main characters, is there anyone that would want to make such a change to themselves? and if so, who is it, and what would they change?


Could Tedd's ability to tell what magic does just by looking at it, also tell him that someone's recently got new stuff in their spell book that they're not aware of?


Can Tedd tell what someone is doing with magic, and how, if he can't see the entire process? e.g. if he watches Nanase inhabit a fairy doll that's the other side of town, or Sarah use her time stop power, could he tell what they were doing?


You mentioned body snatchers, but what are the other varieties of abberations?


In the most recent comic, magic was shown interacting with technology. This reminded me of something I was wondering for a while. Is there a software equivalent of the spellbook?


Woo, questions! Has Ellen tried copy beam on Cheerleadra? Could see a not working to prevent two superheros, but I'd like to see the comic of her enjoying flying though she had a taste with Guardian form. Gonna cover soon what new spells Susan has? (In NP she was chastised for not keeping up on her spellbook). For tenth anniversary comic, you had Eliot as a Catgirl, can he actually do that? And why dosn't Patreon support line breaks here? Makes this too big of a paragraph. =(


How common is transformation magic in the world at large? Many of the main cast can use it due to Uryuom tech/being part Uryuom, and we see Not-a-Tengu transform using Moperville's excess magic, but it seems intuitively like it would be a complicated and difficult type of magic to use without those advantages. Are Tedd and the gang unusually gifted, or is this just another example of magic's flair for the dramatic?


How did Andrea and Tara get to our side of the universe coin? Does one of them have a spell that will do it, or is it more of a Leyline/Portal thing where you just have to go to the correct spot to be transported through, or something completely different?


Are there any especially interesting deviations in the rules of MagicKal Gatherings vs those of Magic: The Gathering?


Back in Q&amp;A#6 <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1709" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1709</a> , someone asked what would happen if Ellen used the copy spell on Nanase's fairy doll. the answer was that it wouldn't work on inanimate or summoned entities, but there was the question of whether Nanase inhabiting the doll counted as either, and left the page saying that Ellen should "zappa the fairy". Any word of the results of that?


Just based on the comics we've seen, I'd say no. The terminology is slightly different, but the card play looks to be identical. Of course, final word belongs to Dan. :-D


I like that question, though arguably moot since it was stated that Grace has regen abilities but raises the question if the TF gun or Eliots morph can do healing like that. And on question of Eliot morph, if he is hit with V5 (Becoming Ellen in short) can he morph back to Eliot?


We haven't seen the TF gun in a while, but I guess that is because there is so much tech and magic that can now render the same results, but I was wondering if the TF gun was limited to organic transformations. That is, can the TF gun give the target inorganic qualities? Like metalic skin? Or straight up cybork body parts? Could it turn people to stone?

Michael Brewer

Do either Rhoda or Catalina know about their magic yet? (Yes, I'm aware this is probably a spoiler, but I think the other thing I'm most curious about is Sam's and Sarah's "Not a Date" which is almost certainly going to be an upcoming storyline, and thus not worth asking about.)

Michael Brewer

Actually, what is Tara and Andrea's world like? Are Griffons the dominant species? Are other hybrid species like Sphinxes, Hippogriffs, Centaurs, and such common there? Other Fantasy species, like Elves and Winged Horses? Do they have humans?


How did Justin and Luke's first date go?


Whatever happened to Diane &amp; Rhoda's other Friend? I think her name was Liz. She had wavy red hair &amp; was full of sass. I liked her.


Does Tedd's mom work for the French Government, or does she do her monster hunting freelance? How has other governments' paranormal divisions reacted to Arthur's decision to no longer cover up magic use?

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Oh, but Patreon <b>does</b> support line breaks.<br>If you learned html1.0 back in the mid-'90s, you can do them.<br>Also, if you post a reply from the main "Dan Shive is creating awkward moments in comic form" patreon page rather than from the specific posts' own pages, the enter key will insert a line break and you have to click the "post" button to post.<br>I like using the html marker, though.<br>"Less-than b r greater-than."


Was partly answered in <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1720." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1720.</a> Can't do 'turn to stone' and while doesn't say can't do some inorganic qualities I'd bet on no.


Are there DBZ fusion spells in the EGS world?


(Furthermore, does Cheerleadra come with a speakerphone option? :P)


And now I'm kinda wondering whether someone has asked about what would happen if Nanase got impregnated while in fairy form. Looking for an answer as Tedd once gave on what would happen if you got pregnant in a form given the the TF gun.<br>No, I don't consider it a question I'd ask for a Q&amp;A myself. I just wonder if someone did ask after that particular comic.


I think you got at least partly an answer to that at Grace's birthday party. But it certainly could be elaborated on that.


Out of all your characters, who has grown the most from their original design in your opinion?


Is Lord Tedd still a threat? If so, will he be making his entrance at some point?


Answered yes here and here: <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=240" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=240</a> <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=250" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=250</a>


Has Sarah been practicing with her time stop spell (although she definitely is to get more spells/magic energy), and what's she currently using it for other than that?


Is it possible for Grace to morph so it looks like she is wearing clothing, but technically isn't?


Was El Goonish Shive always supposed to be so... weird? Or was it originally going to be much more slice-of-life with the occasional hi-jinks?


You've previously mentioned that you consider only what is shown (or at least mentioned in-world) is canon, however are there any things that you consider a part of your headcanon/fanon/whatever you'd call it, that will likely never be officially made canon (to your standards anyway)?


What is the maximum range of Ellen's zapping powers? Is it only limited by line-of-sight? Or can the beam be bent or reflected?


That one might be very spoilery because technically she just found out about it, as in her NP storyline coincides with the current "So a Date at the Mall" main story, so what we've seen so far is pretty much all she's done.


Are any of Elliot's grandparents still around? If so, how did the Dunkels tell them about Ellen and how did they react?

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Considering how Nanase was introduced and that Elliot's "inner demons" were retconned into a cool name for a special effect before they could manifest, I'm guessing it was never meant to be set in Mundane Earth.


Grace has mentioned she sometimes wears a bra, but why would she need a bra? She's a shapeshifter, can't she can maintain her breast with her shapeshifter powers?


Can transformation produce folk of whom are physically non-binary?


We know that transformation into inanimate objects are a no-go because Dan is squeamish about it (no shame in that), but what other things that probably won't appear for the same reason? And are there any things that come to mind that you aren't uncomfortable with but have yet to include?


If Grace (or other shapeshifter individuals) where maimed in some fashion, would they be able to heal the damage by transforming? EDIT: Fixed some grammar


What do the members of the "cast" normally sleep in?

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Because boobies have mass, the Earth has mass, the laws of gravity apply and <a href="http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/2820029/Only" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">only the ball should bounce</a>. Also because some bras are really pretty and a lot of girls sometimes like to wear pretty things ... but I just went looking for examples of pretty bras and Victoria's Secret let me down hard. First a pop-up "tell us your email address so we can spam you" got in the way, then I had to choose a style and "pretty" wasn't on the list and then I didn't like the range anyway. Also I see the model's expression before I see the bra, and the facial expression sometiems makes me want to give her something to wear because she looks uncomfortable. M&amp;S are doing a lot better on the comfortable models but their range is very sensible ... ah, <a href="http://www.marksandspencer.com/hibiscus-embroidered-underwired-full-cup-balcony-bra-b-e/p/p22395222?prevPage=plp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Hibiscus</a>! There's one. Okay, Ann Summers to the rescue. "Regal Opulence," "Bette," "Beaded Bralet," "Phoenix," "Paloma" and "Rosetta" are pretty. There, see? They exist. Pretty bras. Real.


The names for the Griffins, Tara and Andrea, also happen to be the names of two voice actors who work on My Little Pony: FIM. Was that intentional? And now that I've said it, will people start imagining them with the voices the actors use? :)


Will we be seeing more of Graces siblings any time soon, if that would be spoilers, can we at least get an update on how they are doing?


Are Elliot and Noah still hanging out? What's Noah been up to?


Does Grace have uryuom and lespuko forms as well as human and squirrel?


What did the crew think of Star Wars: The Force Awakens? What are the odds that Carol might suspect that the cute pink haired girl who kissed her is Cheerleadra's secret identity? Is there any known limitation on what Ellen's V5 beam can V5? Could she human-zap Jeremy that way?


Sorry if this got asked already, but I can't read through all the questions on my phone. Grace can't use the watches because her power is internal, but it has seemed like Noah can use magic. Can is Noah using items or some other hack?


Ashley is nice and all but I feel than she AND Elliott are using each other so my question is IF they have a break up how amiable will it be?


If Ellen used her Copy spell on Elliot in superheroine form, would she get the powers as well as the shape? (If it worked at all.)


That sounds like a very good question. I expect Grace's shapeshifting is versatile enough to do that easily, but not sure about the other shifters. As a follow-up to that question, could the TF gun be used for medicinal purposes on that principle?


How does the TF gun affect targets that don't have a humanoid form? I'm thinking both in terms of "zappa the kitty" shenanigans and Tara/Andrea. Also, how does it affect beings that HAVE a humanoid form, but aren't currently in it (like squirrel-form Grace or beast-mode Hedge or Guineas)?


Since the most obvious effects of FV5 involve hair length and breast size, what would it do to a non-mammalian target (since mammary glands and hair are mammal features that reptiles and birds don't have in either sex).)?


I'd mention the fact that magic affinity seems to run in families, but none of the transforming magic-users seem to be related in the traditional sense (Ellen's a clone, Tedd doesn't actually cast spells except one recently, Susan's casting Spiritual Weapon/Summon Instrument rather than Polymorph or Alter Self, and Grace was MADE that way and her "brothers" aren't necessarily by blood). There's also that strip about whether transformation or illusion is more complicated.


I think some of Andrea's statements imply that they do have humans there, with the magically-powerful ones being considered royalty, but it's not clear if that means the humans rule the world in general or just that the human enclaves are magocracies. Or it might be that it's racially integrated and leadership is determined by magical strength regardless of race, with a sufficiently powerful griffin being as much royalty as an equally strong human.


And how would the international rivalry between paranormal organizations (if such a rivalry exists) handle threats to the entire planet like the Deathless Army Of Rage?


Was that ever established for the TF gun? And wasn't there at least one time where someone got morphed by bouncing a shot off a mirror?


Grace is working on this as of the end of MV5.


In the story, what will Elliot, Sarah, and Tedd look like in five years?

Thed Preston

Diane's personality seems to have changed a lot since her initial introduction, when she seemed much more like a high school clique-ish snob. Does this change of personality have an in-universe explanation?

Thed Preston

Newer cars these days don't need the physical keys to start anymore. If Elliott had such keys in his pocket before turning into Cheerleadera, would she be able to start the car just by thinking about it?

Thed Preston

Susan's precise enough to be reluctant to call them "vampires". Why isn't Andrea similarly reluctant?

Thed Preston

At what point did Andrea learn how to get home?