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Hushed anticipation.


I wasn't sure if there was enough material to work with here, so I made an outline of potential opinions for Tedd to elaborate on.

It took less than five minutes to come up with fifteen.

It's possible I'll have to save some for later by the time I decide to end this.




Dis gon be gud.

Michael Brewer

I love her current style. I also think these opinions are gonna be good, yeah

Stephen Gilberg

Incidentally, I've recently thought about the few video game LGBT examples to my knowledge. Most of them, like "The Sims," make everyone effectively bi, letting the player character marry whomever. The only definite gays I could think of were in an indie, "Night in the Woods." And Birdo might be trans, but Nintendo's a bit cagy about it.

Some Ed

I was unaware of that particular Birdo until I did a google to research in preparation for potentially responding. That said, what I get from the Wikipedia page is that Nintendo seemed pretty clear about it up front, and then retracted, presumably due to a tsunami of hate mail.


So...basically, TEDD Talks? (Also Tedd is *really* adorable in this one! *squee!*)

David Fenger

Tedd is cute, but the lipstick... not sure quite what I think yet. Looking forward to see more of this look so I can get used to it.


GTA, but every vehicle is a transformer.

James C

Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect: Andromeda both included a "same-sex only" potential romance for each gender, and included bisexual male characters (The first game had a bisexual "totally a monogendered alien species, despite looking completely female", the second one added a bisexual female) Andromeda also included a trans person, but they handled that rather badly; it was pretty obvious they hadn't exactly had the character/dialogue checked by an actual trans person, because one of the first things they do is... tell you that they're trans, and give you their deadname. (A patch later locked that conversation path behind a requirement to make friends with the character first.)


This arc better conclude with "Thanks for coming to my TEDD talk" or Dan's pun card will be revoked. (He may have thatin the outline already.)

Wild Card

What's wrong with Tedd experimenting with lipstick? She is allowed to explore.


IMO the lipstick makes Tedd look older--less like a teenager.

David Fenger

Nothing is wrong with experimenting. It is way outside what I expect of Tedd, possibly due to implicitly being after the "off to college" time-skip. I think that's what's throwing me off. That, or I'm overthinking it...