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Posting this because the poll posts are pretty buried under pinups right now, which is possibly a fun place to be, but not a very visible one.

Single Character

Two Character


Polls will end sometime in the morning of Saturday, April 2nd.



Only a few hours left to vote for Werewolf Nanase transformation! Now is the right time, as the Shadows Over Innistrad prerelease is this weekend! (For non Magic players: Shadows is the sequel to the original Innistrad set, and Innistrad is the Magic set that has the werewolfs, vampires, and zombies in it that the whole magic tournament EGS storyline was based on. It would be quite fitting for Werewolf Nanase to win the vote on the very day that we get to play with the set for the first time. To put this into context: Before Innistrad came out, the entire 20 previous years of Magic had a grand total of three werewolves in it. The Innistrad set added 24 more.)


I've kept trying to click the links since yesterday, but it always gives me a maintenance page :/


It's working for me. Wait, if you're getting a maintenance page on the Patreon links, how did you post this message?


some pages worked, others didn't. I don't know what was at cause.