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Full disclosure, I've no idea where I'm going with this. All I know with certainty is that I'm still deciding on what to do next in EGSNP, and I didn't want to just keep going with intentionally wrong answers, so...

Unintentionally wrong answers it is! Or possibly even correct answers! Maybe! Possibly?

They're going to TRY, darn it.



Stephen Gilberg

I approve a change in direction, particularly when it's in character. (Elliot may be feeling less like a stick in the mud now.)


Wow, that punchline is devastating 🤣

David Fenger

Ah, but to who? That's the art in it. Everyone can fill in their own answer.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Can Yoda pick up Thor's Hammer and use its power? Yoda!Thor!


Okay, here's one they might be able to answer. What was your first thought when you found out magic was real, or in some cases 'might' be real?

Daryl Sawyer

Larry: He has a "girl" mode? Sweet! Rhea : I must obey. George: Justin's been holding out on me.


Yoda would not move the hammer up, but instead would move the planet downward.


Reminds me of the Thunder Frog run Walter Simonson did long ago :P