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Who's more powerful?


While George is not very flappable when armed with his trusty portable video game console to avoid eye contact with, and in the company of people he tends to loom over, he can occasionally make the mistake of looking up from his games while close to eye level with someone. This gives him a penalty on his defense roll, and can result in him being flappable.

It's also possible that Rhea's just that certain of what she's saying.

Could be both.



Stephen Gilberg

Still, I kinda wanna see them fight.


It's a meaningless question actually, because we have no definition of "powerful". Her Angel form is a Guardian form, there to save and defend. Cheerleadra is there to save and pawnch. How much "better" either of them would do at it is so very situational. Though I kind of have to give it to Cheerleadra just on the grounds that being her doesn't come with the cost of total magic burnout that the Angel form does. Being a Guardian is fantastic... until you need to do it twice in short order. Well, depending on just how you care to consider just what she was doing when she got it and how that level of intervention might play out...

Paul Rendell

Don't forget that Nanase's Guardian form gives her info on how to fight her opponent, which to be honest, could involve just flashing Cheerleadra and then sucker punching her when she gets embarrassed and covers her eyes.


Speaking of power, is it true that boob size equates to power? That's what the internet tells me.


This is an interesting theory and needs to be tested. Seeing as how Ellen, Grace, and Rhoda are the best-equipped to provide variants in boob size, we can recruit them for experimenting. Ashley can serve as a test subject who's not experiencing... power variation under her own control. This must be done. For SCIENCE.

Borg Lord

I've thought before about who would win in a fight between Angel Nanase, Cheerleadra, and Grace, and I've become quite sure that Angel Nanase has the least raw power of the three but would win due to being the only one who knows how to fight properly while flying (unless the others had the sense to run away until Nanase's timer ran out, in which case it comes down to a question of who wins in a race). And obviously if you remove Angel Nanase from the equation, Grace beats Cheerleadra.


We already have a data set to check for boobz = POW-AH! Namely, Georgeous Ladies of Wrestling (GLoW). Any volunteers to start testing?


Nanase is also the one who has the least inhibitions over cutting loose and being vicious in battle. Both Grace and Elliot really go out of their way to avoid harming anybody more than is strictly necessary.

Daryl Sawyer

Hmm... this is going to require some testing. I'm goings to need to start by taking some measurements... some very precise measurements. Ladies, shirts off, please.

Some Ed

Angel Nanase and Cheerleada would never mix it up in the first place. Angel Nanase could not attack Cheerleada, because her power's entirely defensive, and Chearleada would not attack. A more reasonable question would be Nanase versus Cheerleada. One of those isn't transformed from their default form but by the same token, is not constrained by her altered form. As such, they could actually meaningfully spar. Cheerleada would not be impaired in such a match by their form nearly as much as the fact that underneath it all, they're still Elliot. Therefore, their sparing would generally have the same results as when Nanase and Elliot sparred: Nanase would usually win, because she has the least inhibitions about accidentally hurting her friend who is, to be fair, quite durable regardless. It would probably be more reasonable to posit a fight between them and a theoretical adversary that they would not be overly averse to hurting, and asking who would do better. For example, alternate Earth's Damien. Alternate Damien would probably be a bit tougher than either of them could handle one on one, but I feel like Nanase would probably be able come closest to defeating him, and maybe Angel Nanase would even be able to. Elliot, on the other hand, is certainly tougher than the Elliot that had been captured and held as a hostage, but I feel like he wouldn't have what it'd take to take alternate Damien out.