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I particularly like this one. It's a pinup that could definitely be canon with the only question being when and where did they acquire all of those doll clothes that perfectly fit Nanase.




It's Canon in my head already!!

Connie Edogawa

no, I'm pretty sure another question asked would be whether or not what fairy dolls usually look like is like a set of footie pajamas that can be removed or not, because I didn't know they could appear without that.


What I said in the forums: Ellen and Nanase in Toy's-R-Us (or the EGS equivalent) checkout: Cashier: Oh these are cute outfits, you buying these for a doll your little sister has? Nanase: Uhh....yeah... yeah, I'm surprising Akiko with these... Ellen: ::snickering behind Nanase::


Awwww, cute! So, I think we have the Sequence picture(s) left?


Now all we need is Susan's flight of faires to have a fashion show with Nanase. The cute may be fatal


Best pinup ever.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

I'm still not sure about that. There'd be a lot less fabric used, I could avoid the awkwardness of marking 105cm seams when I only have a 61cm ruler and a 3cm side-seam uses far fewer stitches than a 3m hem ...<br>... but to make my designs fit Fairy Doll Nanase properly I would have to do some really precise sewing. She's what? A 1:12-scale, five to six inches high? That gives me a margin of error that's maybe two threads in super-soft duchess satin and smaller than the holes in the lace. Hems would be <b>very</b> hard to do. I can do some designs without hems by doubling up the really lightweight "liquid satin" if they get that stuff back in stock, but finishing those designs requires some really tidy suturing even on a full-size dress. It'd be impossible on a 1:12 scale.


Well, make them say 1:3 scale and have Tedd zap them

Daryl Sawyer

I love Nanase's facial expression in this. That said, those abs are freaky.


Can I just say that I love that egs has fabric geeks as fans?


"Make it work" I may or may not have watched "Project Runway" for several seasons


Actually, those outfits seem simple enough, Nanase could have just made multiple dolls with those cloths, then took off the clothes, discarded the extra dolls and the did the whole mix and match routine.


The dolls are about 11 and a half inches, so 1:6 scale. Still needlessly difficult to make human quality clothing, but my mother made barbie doll sized clothing without too much trouble. Offcuts, spare velcro, cutting corners in the design stage.