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Sequel to the previous month my choice with the most strategic (and minimal) covering up I think I've ever done via fancy V5 lighting.

This is a sequel I promised I would make if we wound up getting to the two "my choice" pinup milestone, as I figured it would be a bit of a cop-out to do a sequel if there were only one. That milestone was then met, and here it is.

Incidentally, I intentionally set up the image's name so if saved in the same folder as the previous one with images sorted by name, they will be next to each other.




Huh. I sorta knew this already, but this pin-up really nails home how much I prefer original to V5. Good pic, but I know how my votes will go here on out.


I really appreciate the filename consideration you put in for this, Dan. It's a major pet peeve of mine that sites like DeviantArt absolutely mangle the filenames. It adds a decent amount of work on my part to keep my collection properly sorted.


Agreed. I must say, although I do like the first picture better, this one does flow from it quite well. If you flip back and forth between the two, the effect of Ellen charging up her beam in the first one and the results in the second is done fantastically.


And on the other side of the camera, Tedd promptly passes out.


Both original and V5 have their appeal, and I think these both work best as a set: Neither one is as interesting alone as they are together.


Well, THIS is certainly delightful! Good job, Dan!


Am I the only one who are weirded out by the hips? Especially Grace's hips.


Speaking of the milestones, is there any way to see the full list? Ever since Patreon changed their layout a few months back, I can only see the next milestone in line.


Although I wouldn't say I'm weirded out by them, they are quite large. Then again, Grace always did consider herself a hippie.


The scene is being viewed from the stairs, so there is some uncommon perspective at play


I did a crossfade animated GIF that alternates between last month's pinup and this one. Obviously I'm not going to post the link anywhere else (at least until Dan makes the pinup public on his tumblr), but for anyone here that wants to check it out, the link is at <a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57274384/ZappaTheTrio.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57274384/ZappaTheTrio.gif</a> Note that I didn't change the size of the images at all, so it ended up being quite a large (1.5MB) GIF. The effect is quite nice, however