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Whoa hey now wait a minute


Well, of COURSE pinching one's self is how one wakes from a magic dream!

"What if they get hurt in other ways during the dream, or someone else pinches them?"

THAT is not pinching THEMSELVES, now, is it?

"What sense does--"

MAGIC! Intent matters with magic! Will must be asserted, an effort made!

"That... Sorta sounds legit?"

Which is good enough for magic.




1. Jay looks both cute and comfortable there 2. Given our horsey's panicked reaction... did she wake herself up from the dream, or end the dream? The way he's acting makes be think it's more than just that she's nope'ing out


So the real question here is, who was she trying to protect? Conceivably Rhoda, but more likely herself.


NICE panel transition!


That is a really lovely picture of Jay. :) And it seems like she ended the dream, based on the unicorn's panic, but I'm looking forward to finding out.


I'm guessing that since she was able to end the dream in either scenario, and that the dream only came about because of interaction between the unicorn's and her own magic, that waking herself up ended the shared dream, and she knew it, and that's why she did it.

Paul Rendell

Actually I'd go with protecting everyone, after all Jay has no idea whether the unicorn is friend or foe but letting a magic using stranger know your name is probably a really bad idea regardless.

Stephen Gilberg

The real question is, who wakes up to find the covers that low?

Some Ed

Sometimes me, if I have an epic dream like that. Or sometimes I'll wake up and there won't be any covers. To be fair, it usually needs to end with a lot more action to have an effect like that, or maybe I'll wake up from being chilly rather than from something in the dream. Also, it's probably worth pointing out that even with epic dreams, most of the time, I will at least wake up with a sheet actually covering me, though unless it's summer, that's less than what I started with by a significant margin.