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Battle time?



I mean... Um...

Anyway, I'm unbelievably happy right now.

Well, not really. I'm too tired to be, BUT I WILL BE LATER, because I figured out something technical (by which I mean I was looking up something else entirely and stumbled backwards into useful information), and after a bit of preparation, I can do much more complex linework quickly.

I've been very stressed out trying to find a balance between digital inking production time and quality, which has ironically added to how long comics have taken to make because I'd keep doing experiments that I'd ultimately have to reverse for the sake of consistency (or them turning out terribly, either/or).

And now just, like, out of nowhere, I've figured out how to do this quickly, and there's room to do more nifty things with custom brushes that wouldn't have worked before, and...

I'm just feeling more optimistic and eager to ink things than I have in a long time.

So yeah. I'm liking 2021 more than 2020 so far.




I just wanna see "Jack" at level 5 magic before this is over.

Brooks Moses

Any chance the thing that you figured out about linework is explainable, and that you could explain it? It sounds interesting!


Ha! As soon as I read "do more complex line art more quickly" my first thought was "welcome to 2021!" And then I read though and saw your comment at the end. 😁

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Thank you again for being an extremely cool person 🙂


"Out of nowhere" you say, as if you didn't just finish explaining that you've been working your hand off trying everything you could think of. Take credit for your personal growth! Look back on your hard work and practice with pride!

John Trauger

Unicorn ex machina? (not a complaint, BTW)


Why not show your experiments, failed or not? That way they won't feel wasted totally. The Patreon crowd, which is likely to be more understanding, seems like a good place for that. You don't need to ask for feedback obviously -- sometimes I find it counter-productive as pressure to please everyone veers towards the common denominator syndrome.

Hans Peter Bak

You just find the best solution to draw. :)

Some Ed

Just in case this hadn't occurred to you - a big battle could be drawn out by doing one panel per update for a while. Whether that actually saves time or not depends on the artist and how simple you can constrain each to be, of course. But that just means you can't take it as license to put the more complicated things in. Feel free to delete this if it's completely inappropriate for you. I know that we basically never see one panel updates outside of the sketchbook on your stuff. But what I don't know is whether that doesn't happen because it didn't occur to you, or if it's because of one of the many things you know something about yourself that I don't know.