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One of these identities is clearly better at blending in, BUT WHICH ONE?!




Well, gotta say that the steps in this sequence are abrupt. Not that that's bad, I'm just comparing it to the Susan-to-Diane, where her clothes morphed gradually. As opposed to "*BAM* No Shirt *BAM* Pants are gone too!"


Probably not a clever moniker, but this Clementine-to-Heidi is quite nice. ...Clement as a synonym to mild-mannered? Too obvious? I'll stop talking.


Does Mild-Mannered have a name? My vote is Kendra Clarkson ;3


But Diane was just wearing a bikini top which would have morphed from Susan's bra. Susan's shirt just shrank out of existence.


@Dan Shive - Point. And hey, not arguing with the results. Though... Mild-Mannered needs a name.


...I love babydolls; you have good taste. I do much prefer seeing the clothes shrink out of existence, though.


Why does MM need a name? She's so mild mannered that no one will ever ask it!

Scott McCarthy

So the fans can refer to her (and Goth Alter-Ego) by 1 word, rather then a short sentence...???


The key is that she's so utterly ordinary that you don't even see her. She needs an utterly ordinary name. Emily? It's ultra-common, especially for her age, and has absolutely 0 connotations for personality(unlike, say, Ashley).


I'd vote Anne. That's a pretty "plain" name.

Thed Preston

Well, if you remove some letters from the middle of "Mild-mannered" you could get "Mildred"...

Ryan Flores

Well that was classy.


I agree it could have been better. While the result is still interesting, the first two steps are too abrupt in my opinion too. And while I won't dare telling the artist what to do, I may suggest that no, the clothes did not have to vanish right away. The second stage could have been with short pants (mid-calves), the cardigan could have been tied around the waist, with the shirt clinging closer to the body. Then, third stage, the cardigan would have vanished and the shirt be tied above the bellybutton (and perhaps gotten a little bit see-through), while the pants would have shrunk to shorts. The fourth stage would be as right now, and the fifth too, of course. Commentaries on the pictures notwhithstanding, they are great (I especially appreciate how we can see her change in manners), and I also would like to take this opportunity (first message, here) to congratulate you on the new milestone and on the webcomic in general. I discovered it recently and really appreciate the mix of humour and serious storytelling (and sexyness, do not forget the sexyness ;-) ). (as for the name, I support Emily... but the pun with Anne is hard to ignore, too [even more when you remember that 'Anne' can be spelled 'Ann'] )