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I feel so bad about that last panel.

Which is really silly, because the proper "we're commenting on Fable 2" move would 100% be for Not-Arthur to have done something matching the menace shown in panel two, and I do think it's funny.

Nonetheless, her expecting people to be there, and them not being there to eat the sandwiches with her MASSIVELY triggers my empathy receptors or something, and I genuinely feel like I have to make it up to her somehow later.

See, this is why I mostly write comedy. I'm capable of writing drama, but I'd crash and burn badly if it was on the regular.



Stephen Gilberg

Hope they gave her the money in advance.

Kenneth A Graves

But on the plus side, she gets all the sandwiches.


Yer a fool Arther. Wit the sammiches she will now transmogrify into Heavy. And gun you down.

Some Ed

I've been there. You can't eat the sandwiches. It wouldn't be right. The sandwiches were for sharing and without anyone to share them... Also, it's not like they're all the same thing. Everybody custom ordered heir own thing, and even if you could somehow, under other circumstances, better circumstances, manage to force yourself to eat one of those attrocities to sandwich kind, these aren't those circumstances. So the sandwiches remain as a monument to the friends who have ceased to be. Months later, you notice that there's mold in the back of your refrigerator where you stashed them in the hopes that your friends might actually be back one day. It's too much to deal with. Rather than clean out the refrigerator, you reduce the amount of stuff you store in the refrigerator, to give more space between your food and the growing mass. Eventually, you need to stop opening the refrigerator, and hire someone else to clean it out. But they won't. Nobody will. Eventually, you move out, as it's the easier proposition. You won't get anything back from your security deposit, but it's really the only way. No, having all the sandwiches is not the plus side. Quite the opposite. It is her doom. (Unless, of course, somehow, miraculously, Susan manages to defeat the big bad and they all get to enjoy the sandwiches together, as it had been intended from the beginning.)

Brooks Moses

Oh no poor Catalina! I hope those sandwiches and Catalina are his doom.


Le gasp! The fiend!

Jared Fattmann

And so Catalina wound up saving the day as the Hero of Heroes