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In the previous comic, I originally had a couple of dots on Grace's face that were reminiscent of Yin and Yang. As now mentioned in the previous comic's commentary, I decided to remove that, as it wasn't really necessary, perpetuated Yin and Yang equaling "good and evil" (incorrect), and really, it just looks better without the dots.

(I bring this up again mostly because someone might not have been aware of the change at the time of my first posting this).

I had considered a devil Vs angel squirrel, but nuts to that (genuinely no pun intended THAT JUST HAPPENED). I'm tired of leaning on other people's symbols!

We've got one squirrel that's aggressive, gives in to a lack of optimism, favors night and darkness, and is destructive. They've got spiky fur with a smoke from fire deal going on with their fur and eyes that billow smoke.

We've also got a squirrel that's (not usually) aggressive, favors day and light, is overall soft, and is constructive. Rounded clouds and sky dealie with the fur and glowing eyes.

AND YES, I've thought about if they were Pokémon. First would be Fire-Dark, second would be Water-Fairy. Which, unfortunately, isn't a fair matchup, as Fire is weak to Water, but that's how I sees them.

There are probably abilities and stats, etc, that could even out this matchup while keeping these types, but I just caught myself looking up abilities instead of finishing this commentary, so this is the part where I finish this sentence and walk away from thinking about it for now.




I'm fond of RPG element systems with light and dark, truth and illusion, etc. where both are advantageous against one another. E.g. AFK Arena, the Celestials (goodies) and Hypogeans (baddies) deal more damage to and take more damage from each other, so it's a double-edged sword for both of them.


I love the question mark in the skill bonus dialog.

Brooks Moses

So, Susan, what squirrel food have you got to hand? Which one are _you_ going to feed?


ATM, it looks like the time to feed has passed. Now it seems to be time to maneuver to a position for a sneak attack to aide the squirrel of your choice...


And yes, Susan, for certain values of "success" this is what success looks like. As long as we get a sane squirrel at the end of this conflict...


Indeed. Short of magically slowing time, there would not be sufficient time to feed either squirrel. Too bad Susan re-specked for long range combat. Looks like she’ll have to settle for shooting the evil squirrel in the back. ...What do you mean the fluffy one was the evil squirrel?!


Dark squirrel looks way cooler. I know who I'm cheering for!


I wonder if Grace will bring those "few who mater to me" when (if?) she goes with Susan, to keep them safe.


As Susan well knows, "good" and "evil" in game terms aren't what most people consider them in real life. As someone who has been both in this game, she should offer to teach Grace how to achieve balance.

Daryl Sawyer

The dark "fire" squirrel being vulnerable to the light "water" squirrel works for me. In my experience, when inner darkness and inner light are put into direct confrontation, the light wins. Just as a shadow cannot withstand a flashlight, let alone a sunbeam, the lies we tell ourselves don't hold up well when critically examined. Darkness persists not through balance, but avoidance. Lies propagate not by overcoming truth, but outrunning it.

John Trauger

"Success", Susan, is not getting shot....


The fire/dark squirrel would have been doubly weak to the water/fairy squirrel, except they made Fire resist Fairy, which cancels out Dark's weakness...

John Trauger

I happened to drop back in today and though to myself "You know, both of those squirrels look pretty well-fed..."

Some Ed

Video game. "Success", Susan, is not getting shot more than you can heal in a reasonable timeframe. Note your HP score. Anything greater than or equal to that is by definition more than you can heal in any timeframe.