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But why a pirate squirrel?!


"Ha ha, so silly evil Grace acting completely out of character, right?"

Actually, I thought it would be neat to explore an outlook that could legitimately turn Grace evil. Huzzah!


If you've been wondering why Grace's pistols look like ballistic hair dryers, there are two primary reasons.

1 - Easier to draw! YAY!

2 - I had zero interest in drawing Grace holding anything that looks remotely realistic while so much as aiming at Susan, let alone aiming at close range. You know how cartoons go with laser weapons to keep censors happy? I've gone with deadly, deadly hair dryers to keep ME happy.




And anything that keeps you happy (and the censors) works for us. Mutual win. I originally thought about Marvin the Martian's, but after checking it out it was drawn differently.


I hadn't noticed. But at least you didn't turn a gun into a spring loaded hammer. Though honestly, flintlock pistols look funny and old timey anyway, though they are difficult to draw.


I can think of two persuasive replies Susan might give. One feels paragon-like, and the other more mixed.


Well, Grace gave one answer a couple strips ago. Her actions make it easier for those evil people who happen to be wealthy and powerful to justify placing bounties on her head, and less likely for those who are not evil to so much as object, let alone come to help her out.

Brooks Moses

Having her weaponry look like hair dryers works better for me, too, honestly. And it's more appropriate to their apparent effects anyway, given the amount of times Grace has just used them and the fact that Susan is still alive and unharmed by them.