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I almost don't want to say anything about this one given that I feel it would be stepping on the toes of upcoming comics to say much of anything, but I do have this commentary down here to fill.

Um... Uh...

OH! Susan original said "Grace rants" instead of "Grace-Gamer-Grievances", but I saw an opportunity for alliteration, and I've been jumping on those recently.

I can ALSO say this part of the story is the result of me contemplating the question of whether it would actually be a good idea to mess with a railroad plot like this if personally trapped within it.



Michael Brewer

I'd say that it really depends on the exact circumstances. If you're trapped in a "no win scenario" or you're pretty sure that they made you like someone, only for them to get murdered later, or you might have to make a heroic sacrifice, or something, changing the script and/or "cheating" might be your only option. On the other hand, if you know it's not "real," you're very confident that you can get out if you win, you're concerned that the game might break in half if you go too far outside the game's parameters, or something like that, the best thing to do is probably to run through the main quest as fast as you can


Well... considering that said script is for a _game..._ Failing is always an option.


However, not knowing whether this is a dream or someone's simulation, or what safety overrides might or might not be in effect... In short, what if "winning the game" is the only way that Susan (and Jay) can get out of this?

Daryl Sawyer

Yeah, you don't want to learn the hard way that the holodeck safeties are off.


But following the script isn't necessarily required to win. As for the safety overrides, following the script isn't a guarantee that you won't die, *as it is a game*. Dying happens in games. Sometimes BY the script, even.

James C

*Completing* the game, not winning. You can join the villain, and destroy the world, and that works just fine too — just ask Dr Bashir