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Edit: Minor correction to fourth stage of sequence

YAY THEY'RE ALL DONE. My brilliant plan for the month HAD been to get one done each week, which clearly didn't work out, but they're here now, darn it!

Attachments are in order of milestones, with five more for each stage of the sequence (available as a single image or five).

My choice:

Rhoda shrinking Catalina in a store dressing room.

Single Character:

Ashley cosplaying as Cheerleadra

Two Character:

Susan's curiosity "tea" transformation, logic facepalming


Susan into Diane

My preference is to present these scenarios and let people fill in the blanks for themselves, so have fun with that. I'll be adding links to the Tumblr version once this post becomes viewable to everyone sometime tomorrow evening.




I think most of the scenarios kind of write themselves. Particularly the tea-curiosity. They all look great!


Thank you! I just had to make a correction to the fourth stage of the sequence milestone, but that can be a secret to everybody ;)


Maybe in the future you could put these in a zip file? At least for the sequences.

Scott McCarthy

Now I want phase 3 of the sequence to be a new in-comic character. Maybe with them being long lost triplets, and the 3rd born at exactly midnight...


I like the Ashley pinups :) she's so adorable.


My phone still refuses to cooperate with these file, I'll have to wait till I get home :(


Very nice. I think the Ashley one is my favorite, but they are all very well done.

Daryl Sawyer

I'm really enjoying this month's pinups. Happily enough, the one I suggested is my favorite; I really like Dianne's outfit, and I also really really like the halfway point. But Ashley cosplaying Cheerleadara is also really nice.


I hate that these have to be downloaded, it's a pain in the ass. Why can't patreon just give them a regular URL? Or just display large inline images decently in the first place? Get your code together guys!


Once you get them they are very good though! (and my griping is all aimed at patreon, not Dan!)


Dan's choice... I feel like David Bowman... ye gods... it's full of WIN.


I understand that this is a gripe at Patreon and not with me, and I strongly dislike the download deal, too. I might get my polite but firm complaint face on.

Michael Brewer

You are going to do a storyline about Rhoda and Catalina finding out they have magic powers, right?

Kenneth A Graves

Idea for a future pinup: I'm curious what the color scheme is supposed to be for Elliot's new costume. (It could still be the blue&white, but I'm picturing it in brown&tan for some reason.)


My understanding was that this was a method of making it so only patrons could view them.


Not at all. Anything on here can be marked as for patrons, doesn't matter if it is inline or what. Just inline is limited in max resolution.


Awesome work Dan. Although I can't help but find the 2nd Susan -> Diane picture a bit odd. The change in hair colour over 3, 4 and 5 is beautifully gradual, but it the change between 2 and 3 feels massive as a result; how come Susan's hair hasn't begun changing colour in sequence 2?

William Green

These are great! I've been reading EGS since the first year and I've really enjoyed it.


Oddly, on iPad they are able to be opened in the browser, no downloading needed. There might be ways to use that to get around downloading them, but it's too late for me to be futzing around with changing what my browser detects as.


I wish Ashley's skirt was shorter in that one. Also Catalina shrinking out of her undies is nice.


I really like the midway point of the transformation here. She looks gorgeous there!<br><br>And as far as griping over changes by Patreon goes, there's a number lately. I notice you cannot go forward or backward between Patreon posts anymore, which sucks immensely! Also that you can't just use Enter in the comments anymore but have to go by code.<br>