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Almost at an answer!


Next time, on El Goonish Shive: The explanation for what the heck even.

Well, I mean, enough information to get what sort of happened on a fundamental level in regard to how Grace wound up the Hero of Ranged. The technical specifics, like... Heck, I don't even know those. How would you make a dream situation like this?

I don't know. You don't know. Nobody knows! If someone knew, it would be the basis for the next generation of game systems, but no! We're not getting weird shared dream nightmare machines of doom, are we? No! We're getting basically what we have now, but more powerful, and with different Spider-Man faces!

Anyway, yeah, why Grace is the ranged hero: Soon. Also, me ranting: SOON.




"weird shared dream nightmare machines of doom" does sound like a 2020 kind of thing. :)


aw, but Stephen Fry is awesome... :(


I always viewed Reaver as the highlight of the game. Especially since if you don’t kill the last guy for long enough he will do it for you.


He did a fair job as The Hitchhiker's Guide, but Peter Jones' voice will always be the one I hear when I read it. On the other hand, he is Quite Interesting.


ikr? I thought it was just a regular endgame cutscene where the Big Bad rants for a bit before you kill him, so I was fine with letting him go on for a bit. Then Reaver just up and shoots the fucker out of nowhere and I'm like, "wait, I could have killed him myself?!"


yeah, I greatly prefer the original TV miniseries guy as well, but Fry is... well, it's Stephen Fry. He's just a generally awesome person.


Oh, no, I was thinking the radio pl- nm, that was also Peter Jones.