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Make no mistake, Jay is, herself, a total dork.

Whether or not "dork" is an insult depends entirely on whether it's said with affection. I've called Elliot a dork plenty of times, and it's almost always been meant as a positive thing (when it's been negative, it's been due to him being ignorant about something while being a dork).

Of course, these days, I don't really hear it said without affection. Like, if you're actually trying to insult someone, dork's not a good arrow to have in your quiver.



Michael Brewer

Yeah, Jay I don't think you're going to get out of this that easily. Susan is too smart for your denials to work. Plus you're acting a little too "aware" to just be an NPC.


Just confess to your sins or Susan will have to make things difficult... by force-feeding you a transformation potion of some sort I'd presume.


Oh yeah, that power is definitely "make people believe you're telling the truth".

Dan Merget

Jay is augmenting her denial with magic. That might be enough to make Susan believe her. Jay's font in panel 2 is the same as the one she used every time she told a lie in the May 18 and May 20 comics. It's almost certainly a spell she copied from Diane (Oct 8 and May 20). I'm pretty sure the font indicates some sort of "believe what I'm saying" spell. Diane probably doesn't know she has it, and mostly seems to use it when she's stressed and wants people to pay attention, hence Jay's reaction that Diane is "not using it right".


Forget the fonts. Note the little horned devil symbol.

John Trauger

Hastily rebuilding their corner of the 4th wall....

Some Ed

Month and Day only references work better for comics that are listed by month and day only, or at least by year, month, and date, like EGS used to be listed by. tlod-022, party-157 and party-158 would be an easier reference with the current URLs (chronological order). Also, it suddenly makes sense why Diane's correction to the rumors was super effective.

Some Ed

Forget the drama. This is *just* Susan fixing the wings as soon as she can with the first person she can do something like this to and get away with it. I mean, it's not like she's going to need to team up with The Hero of Magic for anything, you know? Damn it, where's that fancy font when I need it?

David Howe

𝓒𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓩𝓮𝓻𝓸 𝓩𝓮𝓻𝓸 ?