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The greatest plan.


I would love to claim that I made Jay smaller to set this up, but nah. I just thought it would be funny if Susan made Jay smaller than herself.

It was only after that decision that I considered the various problems with that and solutions to those problems. It was fun.

As for why the heck Jay did that to her shirt, I sketched panel three first, and the default top looked really bland, so... Yeah. How this makes ANY sense in context, your guess is as good as mine.




Jay looks like she's ready to party.


Style. Style is why that makes sense


Magic users' chests grow in proportion with their magic, right? Maybe that's where she keeps all her mana. A little extra ventilation probably helps her spells flow more freely. Or something.

Michael Brewer

Also, while it's still unclear exactly what's going on here, Jay does seem to have some degree of control over the simulation, so having her able to do that serves as another clue to the fact that she's more than just another NPC that Susan might pick up on.

That one with the boobs

Thank you for being consistent about the "please don't touch me"


> Greatest Plan Someone's been playing the Stickmin games.


Dat blush though!

J. Jenny Jameson

Makes as much sense as anything else going on here 🙃

Brooks Moses

I was going to figure that her proportions (or the shirt's proportions) changed a bit due to the shrinking so it was a bit uncomfortable. Your theory explains why -- her chest can't shrink as much as the rest of her because her magic doesn't shrink.

Justin Cox

Aren't the undergarments just a game mechanic for modesty, and don't really exist? -Beard stroke.-

Paul Lenoue

Do a side of fries come with that combo?

Daryl Sawyer

lol, I don't know what game this is based on, but I'm seeing a razor girl riding around on Eddie Riggs' shoulders. EDIT: That, or Gurren Lagann.


She's even MORE Naked! She... shaved?

Jared Fattmann

So now we're gonna get a poorly animated episode where Susan throws rocks at Jay cause her combining isn't manly enough?