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Okay, so maybe this plan wasn't without flaws.



Stephen Gilberg

If a guard comes by and sees empty clothes where the prisoner used to be, will he assume that she ascended to a higher plane of existence?

Jared Fattmann

I had this mental image a couple comics ago that maybe I should have mentioned: Susan grabbing the halo and using its floatiness as a parachute (might be too big for her to be able to grab both sides though)


I got a feeling not all her clothes shrank with her because she knows this is a game and might by that inner monologue about game development in the last picture, she may do whatever she pleases.

Some Ed

It's a good thing Susan's pockets are bigger on the inside. ;) (Yeah, I know how it worked: as soon as Susan officially *gave* J the potion, it was no longer affected by her shrunken status. But Dr. quotes are fun. Well, *those* doctor quotes are fun. "You have about six weeks to live", not as fun. [That wasn't said to me. Mom lasted six years, and most of them were good. I just had a reminder about that a few minutes ago.])


And then a non-shrunken bottle lands on Jayack’s head, followed immediately afterward by a Susan. Who then remembers she has wings and wonders if she could have used them to fly while shrunken.


He probably won't assume anything – as we know, video game guards watch for whether you *are* somewhere you're *not* supposed to be, rather than whether you are *not* where you *are* supposed to be.

Joe Blue

incoming accidental romance starter :P


[channels inneh southehneh] Nah, that plan had a flaw all right. And it sounds like somethin' hit that flaw and went "thump-thump-CLANG!" [/end channelin']


In the Parable story-not-a-game, or in the Main Comic? Considering they haven't met in the Main Comic yet, that would be weird but cool. ^_^

Dan Curtis

I guess the wings aren't functional at all.

Some Ed

Even if they're functional, she has to actually use them for them to do anything. I doubt she's really practiced with them, so even if she had intention, she'd have probably not gotten the effect she'd hoped for. At least I always find wings to be pretty unintuitive when I first get them. Do you click for each flap, hold to flap, is the forward/back controls reversed for some reason? All sorts of different ways it can be implemented. Also: which button?

Joe Blue

I meant in this one. RPG tropes and all that going on