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As some of you may know already, I actually considered the name Jack for Jay, but decided against it. This was at least in part due to there already being a female character in the Mass Effect franchise named Jack, and that felt like a toe I didn't want to step on.

One might also recall that she also goes by Jill (commentary for comic referenced mentions the "Jack" thing), so... Jack, Jill, and Jay are all somehow applicable to this character now.

I'm sure no one anywhere will find that confusing.



Michael Brewer

Ok, yeah, I think I need to ask if this arc is going to have the Pirate Canon image attached to it

Paul Rendell

I'm sure Susan believes "Jack" completely. Yep. No suspicion what-so-ever.


Full name Jay Jill Jack

Stephen Gilberg

Still better than the "Blackadder" woman who posed as a man, introduced herself as Kate, and then claimed it was short for Bob.

Stephen Gilberg

Either she's too paranoid to trust a rescuer, or her real name is so infamous that she's afraid the rescuer will think twice.

A Red Mage Named Blue

This backs up my theory that all of this is actually happening, but as a spell aimed at Grace in her sleep (Which hit Susan by accident)