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Goody Two-Shoes.


And here we get to one reason why I didn't want to go the coliseum route. Grace might not be at the wheel, but we've still wound up with someone wanting more of a pacifist run.

Granted, someone wanting to get through a coliseum as a pacifist has all SORTS of potential, but I daresay I don't want to attempt it in EGSNP's strip style.

As for the goblin-like creatures, this references creatures called Hobbes in the Fable games. Fable 2 establishes the lore that they're former human kids, which is horrifying on its own, but made all the worse by the sheer number of them you fight. It's potentially in the hundreds. I'm not the only one out there with the headcanon that 's not the case for ALL of them, but frankly, one is too many.

Hair Hair Hair... Hair?

And now, something I should have gone over in the previous commentary.

I wanted Susan's "good" and "evil" forms to look different beyond the accessories, so I gave her a different hair color. In greyscale, the hair "color" change is an identical shade of grey for both forms. In color, I would give evil Susan red hair, and good Susan blue hair.

Which I guess could be seen as political, but really, it's just devil-fire-red, and angel-sky-blue, and red and blue often being used for opposing team purposes.

Something I had forgotten was that the first two Fable games went in a more problematic direction by making good = blonde hair, neutral = brown hair, and evil = black hair. I don't think I have to elaborate on the issue, there.

This is something I looked up after someone asked about Susan's hair changing color. I was using hair color change for visual contrast, and a substitute for other changes I didn't want to bother with, like smokey lava skin effects.

My memory was more of characters getting weirdly bright and weirdly shadowy to represent morality, and not hair color changes. Fable 2 gives you the option to dye hair, which I would generally use so fast that I can't clearly recall if I ever knew hair color could be linked to morality in it. I played it enough that it stands to reason I knew, but I don't trust my memory on this one.

So... Yeah. Don't have hair turning blonde be a sign of "moral goodness". You can use it as a power up for aliens in anime, but blue and red hair have to be more powerful in the sequels.



Stephen Gilberg

Your mention of a pacifist run reminds me: Does anyone else out there do feminist runs? Sometimes when a game lets me play a whole team, I'll use the female characters as much as possible.


Oh my GOD, disturbed angel-Susan is super adorbs.


Does it count if you play an MMO with a female avatar because you don't want to stare at male ass for 12 hours a day? Otherwise, unless FFX-2 counts, I've never done an alt-girl cast. The reason being that I rarely like using magic in RPGs, because MP is often much too hard to restore to make it viable vs melee. And there just aren't that many female melee characters in RPGs.


When I can I use femme characters, because most of the time their costumes are just better. The boringness of clothes that maley people are accepted to wear in this world often carries over into virtual worlds.


unfortunately, they most likely ARE all former children. And, given that Hobbes are horrific parodies of human life and are either no longer sapient or universally homicidal (one child you fail to save from getting turned murders his own father - either because he longer recognises/remembers him or because he thought it would be fun... I'm not sure which is more horrifying) I generally see killing Hobbes as a form of euthanasia.


Honestly, I find the headcanon that they're not more logical. The sheer number of Hobbes you encounter suggests a problem that would overshadow the main villain of the stories if they were all kidnapped and transformed children.

Jacob Barboza

I like the expressiveness on her wings.


Not if it's not just one generation of abducted children you're dealing with. Hobbes are probably based on changelings - human children abducted by Fae to be turned/raised as more Fae. Since the Fae are immune to old age, it's not too much of a stretch to assume Hobbes are as well. Course, it's entirely possible that I'm wrong and the majority of Hobbes are "natural". That is to say... conceived and birthed like most lifeforms. But since at least some of them used to be children, I am highly uncomfortable with that idea.