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The full image is an attachment, and I'm pretty sure there'll just be a link to view it? I guess we'll find out, and I'll probably edit this post, but the e-mail goes out right away, hence ranting.

EDIT: Well, you can click on the link to download it. I'd rather it just open up in the browser, but I guess that's how it works.

In any case, this is very much a preview image scenario even if everything "important" is technically covered. Sometime after 24 hours, this will eventually be posted on a new EGS Pinup Tumblr Blog. For details on how that will work, check out this specific post.




Holy wow that's amazing. Good work Dan! Looking forward to future pinups even more so now!


While I do love the pic, really, this is meant to be constructive, not insulting...her left leg seems oddly shaped to me.


O-oh... umm... wow... *Clears thoughts* BWAH!! And thank you.


Ok, that's rather more risqué than I was expecting. I will recalibrate my expectations for future pinups!


It's the knee, how the leg is positioned doesn't seem to allow good definition of the knee compared to the right leg.


Oh. Oh my.

Mighty Bob

Elliot, you lucky bastard


Holy Carp!


A really good start to the pinup concept!


Amazingly awesome and sexy!


Ooooh, nice! Ashley looks so happy!


On the one hand, I did not vote for this option, and so I am legally required to grumble slightly. On the other, it's so damned good that I don't give a rat's hind end. Thanks, and I can't wait to see what next month's is!


Really nice picture, it's kind of sweet and cute but undeniably sexy. Definitely looking forward to what you make next.

Ryan Flores

......I'm gin g to be that guy..... That lack of KNEE!!!! That being said. really nice, if unexpectedly sexy, pic

Eric Taysom

This is pretty cool.

John Trauger

OK. You forced me into it. I'll have to make a Tumblr account. :)

John Trauger

To quote George Takei, "ohhhhhhhh my...." I did not expect that intimate an Ashley shot.


Keep posting stuff like this. You'll only get more comfortable with it over time...and seriously? They're your characters....nothing to be ashamed of, at all.