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"I've seen Wall-E, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Also, I thought I told you to wear proper clothes, young lady."

Like many things, this reminds me of Fallout 4 (for all its flaws, it's very absorbing. At least if you like settlement and robot building). In that game, you can take command of settlements, build them up, arm them, and effectively create patrolling guardians for most of the map.

Not only do I consider it a non-standard "win" condition to take command of enough of the map that all of it is protected by my patrolling minions--er, allies, but there's an argument to be had that most everyone on the map would be better off by virtue of you simply not progressing the main story past a certain point while avoiding certain missions. 

It can be your game's canon that a certain faction never shows up, things never escalate, and though one arguably bad faction is still around, the world you create should really be set up to handle them at some point.

I mean, there's the issue of missing out on plot, but I don't actually like the main plot of Fallout 4, so... Really, I only get around to it if there's an item or something I want that depends on progression.



Jared Fattmann

Commentary here reminds me of the time I decided to start a new game and just never go to Whiterun (or at least, never go all the way up to see the Jarl) in Skyrim because I was that tired of dragons spawning EVERY TIME I fast traveled.

Matt R

Funny joke, but Susan still doesn't look quite right with shorter hair. If her hair weren't black already, I'd mistake her for Diane


Reminds me of the “best” ending of Farcry 5. (Never played the game, just watched videos). At the start of the game, by refusing to arrest the antagonist, you and the law walk away, leaving well enough alone, and the credits run. Which is arguably the better ending than the other two.

Paul Lenoue

Trolley Tom makes a guest appearance!


awwww but twintails!!!


I like that he's wearing a train driver's hat. nice touch.


Susan looks especially excellent in panel 2. And not just because boobs. Really. The feeling of action is palpable. Especially on her boobs. :)


I despise actually making a well protected settlement because they STILL "NEED" my help with Raiders. Like I armed you guys with Top Tier Weapons & Put Enough Defenses up to put the BoS to shame, You Don't Need Me To Help With Raiders! This also reminds me of before Final Boss Grinding. "Oh No, The World's going to be destroyed in less than an Hour!" Time to spend a few weeks taking care of all the side quests I missed.



Wild Card

Railroaded again!! The plot train can not be denied!

Daryl Sawyer

This is a serious weakness in the RPG model. There really *should* be time pressure. For example, I always thought TES4: Oblivion would have been a far better game if, rather than being level scaled, the daedric component were *time* scaled, with the daedra coming of increasingly difficult lists as the days went by. You could choose a difficulty setting which would determine how fast this occurred, and the challenge would be to keep up in level and equipment with them as you progressed the main quest. And if you fell too far behind, the daedra would become strong enough to overcome city guards and completely break the game.

Servo Kamen

But I like that outfit!