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Just letting you know that when I do post the surveys, it's my plan to take votes in the form of "liked" comments on the last day of the current month and the first day of the next month. There'll be a bit more time than that just by virtue of me managing it manually, but the polls will be there for at least 48 hours before I tally the results.

If for some reason that 48 hour window is problematic, let me know. I don't know if it will change anything, but if it's enough of a problem for enough people, of course I'll rethink it. If it works, though, it's the ideal time to have the polls from my perspective.

With that said, we're going to have a poll right here and now:

How Many Choices Do You Want For Each Pin-Up Poll? 3, 4, or 5?

More will give more options, but also spread out the likes, so... Here we are. Please only "like" one of my comments (those that are marked "POLL ANSWER"), but feel free to comment on the timing of the end of month polls and such.



...Wouldn't it be easier to run polls through something like Survey Monkey or Free Online Surveys?


The thing is that you have to consider if non-patrons can somehow get the links to such places. If you can get around that, then it would be worth considering the convinience sites like strawpoll offer.


For larger polls, possibly. For this, however, it's just a few options that people "like", and it's naturally limited to the people it should be.