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Gluggity glug.


Does anyone instantly like alcohol on their first try?

I know I didn't. Still don't. I only sorta like it when it's lime-flavored? I've also sort of enjoyed honey-flavored, but I'd have it "on the rocks", by which I mean I would drown it in ice.

Oh, and, um... Yes, this is totally still being a parody, because you can drink in games, and then weird stuff happens, and it's like "why did I do this".




Kaz Redclaw

No, didn't care for beer especially. I tried 3 different types of beer when I was legally allowed, and hated all of them. Wine Coolers were OK, but inferior to most other flavored fruit drinks. The only alcohol beverages I've actually liked are Rum, and Galliano.

Michael Brewer

I don't drink, personally, but I can only really stomach coffee when I've mixed it half and half with hot chocolate, so I expect I'd have a similar reaction to alcohol


I hated beer. Still do. On the flip side, my first drink of mead was a case of "ALL THE YES".


My parents gave me a little of some sparkling fruit wine when I was.. maybe 5? And I loved it and was sad l couldn't have more. But I only like sugary things, whisky rum or vodka. No beer, rarely wine.


Totally do not like alcohol. I'll take a Pepsi any day :)


I liked spirits on my first try. Quite likely because my first drink ever was an AMF. Still hate beer, though. Much too bitter.


Tasting alcoholic drinks as a wee young nipper (small tastes from parents) I can't say I liked it. I did hold off from drinking until I hit 18, legal age here. And after that, I can honestly say I liked beer, especially dark beers at that time, and quickly developed a strong preference for weizens and IPAs (to the extent of brewing my own). I also really liked whisky at the beginning (though you need to get decent stuff, cheap whisky tends to just be plain bad), but after a while developed a gag reflex when even sniffing spirits. Was over 10 years before I could properly try them again. Thankfully it passed, and I fell back in love with whisky.


This is not to say that you need to try anything you don't want to, but: Fwiw I tend to find that almost anyone can find a beer they really enjoy of they veer of the big standard stuff. Czech dark lagers, especially traditional 3.5-4% ones tend to be really quite sweet, and often suit the palates of people who don't like bitter drinks better. Weizens too are world's removed from average lagers. Out of the main categories of alcohol I've drunk, beer has the widest range, from super sweet to incredibly bitter, from strong intense aromas to flat near water, they can be sour, bitter, fruity, floral, earthy, creamy, almost anything, depending on how they're made. If they weren't all made basically of the same main ingredients and using the same basic process, I doubt many people would categorize them as the "same" drink. =)

Hans Peter Bak

When I drank my first beer (a very light beer) I didn't like it. I think I was 13 or 14 at the time. It takes some getting used to like Catalina says. ^^


The problem with alcohol being somewhat of a social taboo is that people rarely get to explore their palate and learn what they like or not. It's kinda telling when people put "beer" or "wine" or "whiskey" in a catch-all category. There's a reason there's a bazillion kind of them around, and that learning can be somewhat done by getting a variety of samplers e.g. in a brewery. And also be honest with yourself -- first because your tastes change with age, so what you may like now may not be what you like later, and second, stand for yourself if you don't like or don't want to drink. Don't let people push you on that one.


My first experidrunkence was at an older neighbours birthday with something called Ambrosia, a red wine with honey and spices. I did taste beer before that but nothing I added took the disgusting taste away. I tried fanta, juice, water, cola and probably sugar. When I need a drink, I go for spiced wine, mead or hot cocoa with a shot of absinthe.


Anyone else disappointed that there's nothing special for this magic number?


I don't drink much anymore, never liked beer. My stuff is hard lemonade, cider, flavored vodkas or mixed drinks.


keep going, Rhoda! just keep thinking about all that delicious Melee XP you're getting! XD

Stephen Gilberg

Anyone thinking of the drunk incident in "Skyrim"?

Daryl Sawyer

I don't really get people who immediately chug a new beverage. On the one hand, you'd think caution was warranted. On the other, there are enough beverages that simply aren't meant to be chugged (hot coffee or tea, good whisky, wine, etc.) that one really shouldn't assume a new beverage is a gulping beverage.


I did but I started with Long Islands


I'm not much for beer, but fortunately come from a region which appreciates sweet and foxy wines.

John Trauger

Two things that helped me get through life on little money were not drinking and not smoking. I'm sure my state misses the tax money....

David Howe

Don't mind the occasional cider but not a fan of beer, and rarely drink.


I immediately liked wine? I still dislike beer, and would rather drink water. Also, cocktails. There's a cocktail for everyone.


I don't remember my first experience with alcohol (I don't remember much of anything in general, except in abstract terms) but I know I liked it pretty fast and tasted small glass of good wines and beers pretty young. Alcohol is just a very broad category and most everyone can find something they'll appreciate and even love among the humongous variety of wines (sweet, dry, red, white, pink, yellow, dessert, tart, ...) and beers (yes, there are beers that aren't particularly bitter). To say nothing of the many other fruit wines, grain alcohol and liquors (always in moderation, and I include cocktails and other boozy desserts in this). While there are exception, I'm of the opinion that many people who "don't like alcohol" just started on the wrong foot with it (a bad first experience can sour anyone and there's many alcoholic drinks I can't stand). Though of course, it's a pretty sweet deal for your bank account... ;-)

Daryl Sawyer

The first alcohol I genuinely enjoyed was Asti sparkling white. Had it at new year's eve at an old friend's party. The second was Mike's Hard Lemonade... but if you're drinking that you may as well be drinking regular lemonade (though their other flavors are pretty good). Never really cared for beer, until one day my boss offered me a Corona at the company Christmas party. I said, "Boss, I won't finish it, I never cared for beer." His reply was, "They never finished their shitty margaritas, either, so it's fine." So I figured why not, give it a try. So I took a sip... and was *shocked* by how much I liked it. Finished it. Got another one. Finished that one too. It only took two beers to get me to where I was aware I had drank alcohol (that's usually where I'm at; I don't drink often), and I realized I enjoyed the feeling. (I've been truly drunk a few times; I'm a weepy drunk, so I avoid it in any but the most intimate of company.) From that point forward, I discovered the wonderful world of craft beers and imports. Sam Adams is my mainstay; Kirin Ichiban my favorite, if I can find it. I also occasionally enjoy a nice heavy abbey ale (bread in a bottle). Bizarrely, almost nobody sells Sam around here. Less bizarrely, absolutely nobody sells Kirin Ichiban (I found it regularly during my time in Portland, OR). Corona is my preference when I've been working in the heat, or if I'm dancing, and also it pairs well with Mexican food. FUCK IPAs. I also discovered during my first year of pest control that on a hot day (that's 100+ F around here) a single beer after work really chases the heat away, and makes the next day much more bearable. It isn't just a beverage thing. It's specifically an alcohol thing. My old martial arts instructor (just a yellow belt here; nobody get excited) speculated it was the blood thinning properties that made that work. I also enjoy sipping a high quality liquor, with my go-to being Gentleman Jack. You have to do it right to actually get the flavor out of it (no, that doesn't involve knocking it back fast just to get drunk), but it's one of those slow pleasures you can enjoy.