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EDIT - Fixed a shadow 

Escort Quest Round 2


I mostly just wanted to draw the faces in the first two panels. Panel three is lovely and all, but I would have had her drink any potion I could think of an excuse for just to make panel two happen.

I was just going to have him say "ack" in panel three before I realized the poses I'd given him made it look like he'd moved closer beforehand, so I tried to imply he was moving closer to try and grab the bottle.

For the record, I do not recommend trying to grab a bottle out of anyone's hands, least of all a maximum leveled hero of legend with pointy curved horns on their head.




I don't blame you. That is some EXCELLENT face work.


"The Booze" X3

Mark Williams

Yay! Basketballs! 🤤

Connie Edogawa

.......where can I get some of that potion? >.>

Matt R

Curvy Susan rocks!


Great; now the new monk needs a new name. And I really liked ThatOneGuy's suggestion of "Brother Justoutsidethecamera"... . OTOH, Seeing Grumpy Susan was interesting. ^_^

John Trauger

If he keeps complaining Susan you know what to do.... Give one to Rhoda.


This is an excellent idea and there is no need to stop at one. :)


i agree wholeheartedly. maybe even use that give npc potion ability again.

J. Jenny Jameson

For a second there, I thought she was drawing a sword from her throat in panel 2. I dunno if that says more about me or the art.

Dan Curtis

Wait, did the potion cause her to be curvy or did it remove the effects of previous potions that kept her from being curvy because of her high magic ability?


It says something about you, BUT it also says "the ideal way to do that pose would be to hold the potion higher so as to be more obvious, even if that makes less sense." So... It says stuff about both?


Oh no... This isn't your fault at all, but Patreon has begun cropping the preview images, both vertically *and* horizontally, making previews of comic strips and pages look horrendous. :(

J. Jenny Jameson

Maybe the setting had me thinking of those wavy-looking sacrificial daggers you always see in evil fantasy rituals. Also it's not completely out of the question for Susan in magic land to just be so angry that swords shoot out of her mouth. Which is really stupid but now that I thought about it I made myself laugh.

Otter Annason

you win +over ninety internets for hovering eyebrows


It may also be useful if the potion liquid were "sloshier". The energy I'm getting from Susan is she yanked the potion out and guzzled it, which indicates a wild energy, but the potion's poor is comparatively sedate and regular by comparison, which makes it seem a lot more solid than it presumably is.

Kevin Wright

You would have had her drink any potion to make panel two happen, but I would read any panel one and two for panel three to happen. Yowza! (But that face in panel 2 is great...)

Prof Sai

Are there high resolution versions of the main comic anywhere? I have evil intent for them.


So, we know there's a potion that makes an NPC look like the PC. And we know that there's a 'drink this' emote. The question is, does that emote work on quest NPCs?

Prof Sai

I want to live in Dec 13, 2019, Panel 1. Also, the top three of Dec 9, 2019. :)