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Whoops I should've covered up Susan tail area with her tied back hair hang on I'll just fix it


I would say it's unfair to judge Susan based on her appearance, but it is a fact that doing evil things in this world will transform heroes.

Well, the main hero, anyway. Only the protagonist seems subject to this nonsense, so it seems likes it wouldn't be that widely known a thing, PLUS it's arguable what should and shouldn't get the protagonist "evil" points, so...

Okay, yeah, this is a bit unfair.



Matt R

...she's already referring to Susan as sexy, so she's already being influenced

Kevin Wright

You BETTER NOT "fix it."

Stephen Gilberg

I suppose a tail like that would be sexier to a bisexual....


Susan just needs to show Rhoda why the game is unfair in that it judged her as evil for giving people transformation potions that made the world a better place. Preferably by giving Rhoda a "look like a powerful magic-user" potion. :)


... Isn't that tail awfully high above her tail bone? (Or pelvic bone for that matter? ^_^;;; )

Kevin Wright

Some concessions have to be made for the sake of wearing typical pants, I assume.


protect you from her "influence", sure, but you're gonna need a whole lot more than a god or two to protect you from temptation, Rhoda


Big girls are best girls 😊


Agreed. All the evidence seems to be that you like - and I mean like-like - the Bad Girls, Rhoda-Kawaii!


The corruption has already begun... o(~w~)o

Some Ed

I see we have a full outbreak of corruption on our hands. That's just great. OK, there's just one thing to do: Orientation meeting in the breakroom. Don't worry, there should be cookies enough for everyone.

Some Ed

Actually, it's not above her tail bone, as it happens. Almost as if it's by definition or something.