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EDIT - Couple small corrections

Morality matters far less than one's social media presence.


The only part of this that's hyperbole is how expressive that guy is, which I admit to taking some pride in. The expressiveness part, not the lack of hyperbole.

Just look at that panel two sass.

It was an actual mechanic in Fable 2 that some quests would be unavailable if you weren't famous enough, and I'll say this much for that mechanic: It's nifty that it didn't matter how you got famous enough, just that you WERE famous enough, which meant you had options.

Granted, the options weren't all great, such as using the "show trophy" expression over and over again in front of crowds. If you wanted to literally just run around doing that until famous enough, however, you'd get there eventually, but there really wasn't any reason not to just do whatever side quests were available.




*Return to town* "Hey, Phil. Need some bards. Get your band back together, I'll give ya free rent for a year." "Even Sticky Joe?" "If you can work a cowbell solo into the song. And, you know, keep him 12 feet away at all times." Stupid idea aside, this is great. And Susan's horns continue to be a great design element.

Stephen Gilberg

To be fair, there are some really powerful people in reality whose names mean nothing to me.


That is some serious sass in the second section.

Paul Lenoue

Here's a bard song for her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SArUTdInvyA


I'm really digging her design and outfit