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She would have noticed this sooner, but Blacksmith Dunkel in particular was, um... Distracting, let's say.


"Only most of them."

Presumably, whose voices they have are variable, so they probably don't all sound like Elliot.

Susan is putting her glasses back on in the first panel because I forgot to draw them in the previous comic, and decided I liked how it looked better without them anyway. It's now canon that they fell off at some point, making their absence in the previous comic clever and wonderful, and not a mistake made while putting the comic together.



Daryl Sawyer

Their voices are different? Obviously, this wasn't made by Bethesda. :p

Stephen Gilberg

"No, it's not enough of that!" --too many fanboys to list For a moment, I thought the guy saying, "Obeying the law, hero?" disapproved of obeying the law.


Something about the way Susan looks in panel 2 is particularly striking.


This is turning into a dream/nightmare that Susan is having about being attracted to Elliot + remembering stories about everyone turning into Nanase at New Years.


Wonder if Susan will ever again another level, or progress the main game again, lol.