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Of these characters, who would you rather see as a genie granting wishes?

This would be for an NP storyline. I'm not looking for any suggestions within the story itself, just who would be preferred for the role.

There's a chance I won't go with the winner, but only if I find I'm not happy with story resulting from it. I will at the very least try to write something with the winner.

Every option will result in transformations and wishes gone wrong, but the specifics of how (and how intentional) will naturally vary by character.

Can vote for more than one.



I figure Sarah's got potential in that she's been suggested as being just as into transformation as Ashley, but has been holding back for some time, it would be interesting to see how she lets loose.


Hm, before Sarah became Tedd's assistant she might have been interesting as a genie because she might be the most embarrassed by the crazy things people wished for. But after being Tedd's assistant for a while and getting TF-eager, she'd probably be fine with anything.