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The world's most sparkly landlord.


Susan's outfit in the last panel is inspired by none other than Scrooge McDuck, though there are, of course, key differences. That said, Scrooge should consider a rad cape like that.

Such an outfit is on point for this parody, the equivalent in-game being "noble" clothing.

Any Minute Now...

Actual Non-Player Characters in games tend to be much more patient than this fellow about having to wait, being perfectly fine with you doing whatever for in-game months or years while they wait.

Unless you're playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Seriously, if you play that, and someone says "hurry up, there are hostages", THEY MEAN IT. GET TO THE CHOPPER ASAP.

It's Actually Quite Clever, Thank You

It was my intent to not simply mirror and move around one house a bit to give the illusion of different houses, but the background of the first panel took a bit, and I felt the clock staring at me.

I mean, I think it works fine as is, but oh, the shame, the shame of it all...!

Anyway, this is the part where I claim that chibi style is the equivalent of 16-bit era games, and that the reuse of sprites is a clever nod, and everyone should be clapping.



Matt R

We're probably going to see her levels maxed out very soon at this rate

Stephen Gilberg

That's one reason I quickly quit "Human Revolution." It didn't give me time to enjoy exploration. Not that there seemed to be any rewards for exploring anyway.

Paul Lenoue

That's me playing Civilization. Rest of the world leaders are bickering amongst themselves over who has the best spear and sword army while their cities are defecting to me because I have railroads and the internet.


Weren't you paying attention? She only gets XP for kills (yes and food, but I don't see Susan powergaming unless she needs to: she already has Slow Time, and an infinite supply of money, what more could a girl need?)


Amusingly enough, I didn't learn that you even *could* save the hostages until several years after my first playthrough of DX:HR. I just assumed you were doomed to fail, because no other Deus Ex game has ever *actually* punished you for tardiness. Fortunately, there's no reason not to just immediately go to the chopper, as you can explore Serif Industries HQ quite easily after getting back.


Fun fact, it was a last minute decision by the developers. They realized they were selling the game on your actions having consequences, and you could just loiter around the lobby without it backfiring on you. They rushed a recording with Serif's voice actor to make it happen, which I think had to be done long distance because he was literally off on some island somewhere? (Been a while since I listened to the in-game commentary)

Hans Peter Bak

Well, Scrooge has once a while donned a cape, so you are right on the money. ;)

James C

Meanwhile, the big bad is also waiting just outside town to taunt Susan. Since this means he can't go perpetrate any evil elsewhere, Susan is saving many lives - and hits "trusted lieutenants" are wondering if they really need him around...

Matt R

I was, but given that she's a landlord now, she's probably going to start getting the food/drinks mentioned before.

Pierre luc Poirier

Is the events in the pictures that she owned and then sold the bar then bought another propriety ?


er, actually, i assumed it was the same house that had similar windows to each side of the door, and got confused that a house was sold and then for sale which gave her money ... untill i read the comment. so thanks for that.


I'm looking forward to seeing lvl'd up Chibi Susan. Love me some Short Stacks

Otter Annason

i thought it was pretty clear; one house sold to her, rent money going to the second house with some sparkliness around her head; much sparkliness at the Xth house....also the passage of time indicated by the narrator