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It's entirely possible Arthur was simply reacting to her sleeves and still decided it was inappropriate.

It's also possible he was reacting to other things, but we'll never know for sure with him.


It is SO commentary! You grow a lot in these games, and your clothes all just fit anyway! ABSURDITY.

I mean, also fantasy, but STILL! Fair commentary!

Anyway, this was a late idea I had. The next comic will be what I originally planned to happen next, but I got to thinking what Arthur's reaction to this would be, and now we have this. Huzzah.




Armor fitting in any fantasy game is insanity! A lot of armor, that's not just mail, requires a pretty good fit to work even halfway decently, some require bespoke fitting. Yet I picked up a set of plate from this humongous ogre and can wear it as a halfling without any issues? MADNESS!


"Me and my girlfriends exchange clothes all the time; we're all the same size."

Matt R

Susan's got rocking curves

The Sunroses

.wow gee we sure are gay

Andrew Pam

The game "Venetica" does this really well: any armor you find in game, right from the very start when you don't have any yet, starts off as "unsized" and won't fit you until you take it to an armorer and pay to have it fitted and sized especially for you.

Stephen Gilberg

Susan will make a mental note to wear bigger clothes the next time she's about to level up.


D&D has it as a mechanic that as long as you’re the same size category, all magic armor reshapes to fit. And all magic gear other than armor and weapons will resize for anyone. One of their many “let’s make this simple” solutions that most people don’t even think about.


If you've ever wondered why chain mail bikini's make excellent full body armor for women then read and giggle at this 2500 word story. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/74196/goddess-chainmail-bikinis


This classic WoW comment brought to you by /silly. It gets even sillier when she can trade clothes not just with her Human girlfriends, but also Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes!


I associate that acronym with "To be honest", which doesn't seem like your intended meaning. Does it have a second meaning I didn't know about?